The TSA fluid limit for carry-on luggage exists for a reason. In 2006, Briain, the U.S., and Pakistan security foiled a plot by al-Qaeda operatives to set off bombs on airplanes using liquid explosives. The plan was to smuggle bomb materials onto planes using plastic drink bottles. Since...
The liquid explosive bit seemed on the surface to be pure tabloid-bait but did expose the security theatre nature of the rules on carrying liquids and the arbitrariness of the 100ml per container limit. It was set off using a commercial detonator purely for reasons of safety I would imagine ...
The TSA can declare this rule change because the limit was always arbitrary, just one of the countless rituals of security theater to which air passengers are subjected every day. Flights are no more dangerous today, with the hand sanitizer, than yesterday, and if the TSA allowed you to brin...
TSA liquid rules - TSA Liquid limit- Toiletry Bag - TSA Guidelines - Can you take a lighter on a plane? TSA guidelines - Aerosol Rules
passable through security) with two different chemicals (not named), mixed them together in a bottle bought airside and then detonated. The explosion blew out the side of the airplane fuselage where they had set the exlosive device. So further proof of the inanity of the 100ml fluid limit....