(玻璃温度计的)缩腰 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Electric contact liquid in glass thermometer 电接点玻璃温度计 www.geocities.jp 6. Expansion chamber of liquid in glass thermometer 玻璃温度计的膨胀室 www.geocities.jp 7. bore of liquid in glass thermometer 玻璃温度计的内孔 bbs.enfamily.cn ©...
liquid in glass thermometer 玻管液体温度计,玻璃管液体温度计,液体温度计 liquid in glass thermograph 玻管液体温度计 liquid thermometer 液体温度表,钢管水银土壤强度计 glass thermometer 玻璃管温度计 thermometer glass 温度计玻璃 liquid expansion thermometer 液体膨胀温度计,液体温度计 liquid glass 液...
liquid-in-glass thermometer boli鸭tiwenduji玻玻液体通度计(li咖d一in刁翻the~ter)由感温泡、玻瑞毛细管和刻度标尺3部分组成的温度计。其侧温原理是基于物质的热膨胀特性。当温度计插人温度高于温度计初始温度的被测介质时,感温液受热膨胀,从而使感温液柱在毛细管内上升。常用的感沮液体有汞、汞蛇合金和有机...
2 A liquid-in-glass thermometer contains mercury.(a) The mass of the mercury in the thermometer is 12 g.(i) Calculate the weight of the mercury.weight of mercury = ... N [3](ii) The 12 g of mercury h asavolumeof0.88cm^3 .Calculate the density of mercury.density of mercury =....
liquid-in-glass thermometer 玻璃管液体温度计文献(pubmed) 以下为句子列表:英文: Comparison of resin and liquid-liquid extraction methods in taxol pretreatment;中文: 树脂层析法与萃取法在紫杉醇前处理中的比较 英文: Liquid helium is most frequently provided to customers in a liquid container.中文: 液氦...
There is a wide variety of liquid-in-glass thermometer types; however, they have various features in common. The solid-stem form of liquid-in-glass thermometer consists of four main components, the bulb, stem, liquid, and markings. Considerations in the design and selection of liquid-in-...
Mercury Free Thermometer Liquid-in-Glass Inner Scale Medical Diagnosis Equipment, Find Details and Price about Thermometer Mercury Free from Mercury Free Thermometer Liquid-in-Glass Inner Scale Medical Diagnosis Equipment - Hangzhou Wehere Medical Techno
liquid in glass thermometer 玻管液体温度计,玻璃管液体温度计,液体温度计 liquid glass 液态玻璃,液体玻璃,硅酸钠 glass liquid hydrometer 玻璃液体比重计 liquid flow sight glass 液体流动看窗 electric thermograph 电温度记录器 aspiration thermograph 通风温度记录器 glass (liquid) level ga(u)ge 【...
玻璃体温计 Clinical liquid in glass thermometer,产品由玻璃管、标度板、感温头、感温液(镓铟锡合金)和玻璃护套管组成。温度范围:35.5℃~42.0℃;最小分度值:0.1℃;示值允差:+0.10℃/-0.15℃。,玻璃体温计 Clinical liquid in glass thermometer,<<me_syfw>。
6) thermometer glass 温度计玻璃补充资料:材料热膨胀 材料热膨胀 thermal expansion of material 材料热膨胀比ermal expansion of material材料在一定的压力下,因温度变化而表现出尺寸变化的现象。在研究单摆的时间测量过程中,荷兰P.van穆申布鲁克(Musschenbrock)在1730年测量了几种用于单摆的金属材料的热膨胀。 为了...