A spatial resolution of 0.5×2.0mm2 and a temporal resolution of 5kHz were achieved for this sensor matrix with a measurement accuracy of 0.5m. A series of microchannels with different heights were used in the calibration in order to achieve the signal-to-thickness characteristics of each ...
Besides, in most of the liquid film experiments, the dynamics of the film necessitates a method with a high time resolution. In this paper, we introduce a non-invasive optical method, named Paraxial Self-Reference Interferometry (PSRI) for thickness measurement of liquid transparent films. The ...
The measurement and study of liquid films in the case of two phase flows is significant in many heat transfer and mass transfer applications, such as chemical process industries, micro reactors, coating processes and in boilers. The focus of the present study was to measure and characterize the...
The variation of liquid film thickness between the bubbles at the rupture location and the distribution of the liquid film thickness are evaluated. The experimental parameters are the airflow rate and the measurement position (transmitted laser position). The bubble approach velocity and the time ...
Schultz, «Measurement of liquid film thickness concentration and temperature of aqueous NaCl solution by NIR absorption spectroscopy,» Applied Physics B, 120(3), pp. 397-406, 2015.Pan, R., Jeffries, J.B., Dreier, T. and Schulz, C. (2016) Measurements of Liquid Film Thickness, ...
As expected, the agreement for vertical flow is not as good as that for the horizontal no-flow case, because large fluctuations in film thickness are characteristic of annular two-phase flow, and the uncertainty of the photographic measurement is increased. 展开 ...
1. The system mainly consists of the liquid film thickness measurement system, solution container, horizontal adjustment platform and electrochemical workstation. The liquid film thickness measurement system consists of a two-dimensional translation probe and a micro current loop. The solution container ...
This paper describes the development and application of a novel optical technique for the measurement of liquid film thickness formed on surfaces during the impingement of automotive fuel sprays. The technique makes use of the change of the light scattering characteristics of a metal surface with know...
Many liquid film thickness measurement methods have been developed, such as Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (DLAS) [4,5], the Ultrasonic Echo Resonance Technique (UERT) [6,7], Confocal Optical Sensor (COS) [8,9], the Laser Induced Fluorescence Method (LIFM) [10,11] and the Laser ...
in reasonable agreement with the value observed using LSCM. The slight difference was attributed to the different measurement geometry, though the different stress histories in the NPS assemblies also play a role. Applying the relationship\(\lambda = 2\pi \left( {\frac{B}{{{\mathrm{\Delta }...