Here we define ASL dynamics as the components of the layer of fluid overlying the airway surfaces which regulate mucociliary clearance: the ASL height and viscosity, ciliary beat frequency, mucus secretion and pathogen load, and other intrinsic factors such as ASL pH, channel activating proteases,...
Nicolae Lobontiu, in System Dynamics for Engineering Students (Second Edition), 2018 5.1 Liquid Systems Modeling In liquid (or hydraulic) systems, the medium of energy transmission is a liquid. We introduce the basic liquid elements of inertance, capacitance, and resistance, together with the sour...
Changing industry trends and other crucial market dynamics associated with these sections of the liquid dispensing pump, air mist spray, and trigger spray market have been discussed in detail. Product Type Liquid Dispenser Pump Cosmetic Liquids Soap Solutions Medicinal Liquids Toothpaste...
Liquids have little compressibility: water, for example, does not change its density appreciably unless subjected to pressures on the order of 100 bars (equivalent to the pressure 1 km below the surface of the ocean). In the study of fluid dynamics, liquids are often treated as incompressible,...
the liquid layer adjacent to the wire will vaporize explosively. This approach requires that the dynamics of the thermocouple/temperature measuring device must be faster than the dynamics of the heating of the wire. The nature of the wire surface also influences nucleation. This method also gives ...
In the long term, the research on the micro flow mechanism may achieve the optimization design and performance prediction of micropumps. In this paper, based on Newton's law and Lennard-Jones (L-J 6-12) potential, Modern Molecular Dynamics Modeling for Liquid Flow (MD) in Micropumps is ...
In this study, the gas content effect on CMP performance was investigated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Gas and water are flowed through a DN127 CMP at varying gas content. This paper based on the Euler Model, the numerical simulation and analysis of three stages gas-liquid two-...
Philtec’s FODS (Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors) are being successfully used for rotor dynamics measurements in cryogenic fluids. When a fiber optic probe is submersed in a fluid, light rays diverging from the probe tip are more collimated than they would be in air. This increases the operatin...
Book2010, Tribology and Dynamics of Engine and Powertrain F. Sadeghi Explore book 6.3 Regimes of lubrication A lubricant is a type of substance which can be brought into the contact of loaded rolling/sliding bodies to control friction and wear. Most lubricants are some type of fluid (e.g. ...
5 Flows in antitubes and surrounding ferrofluid using computational fluid dynamics. a–d, Contour plots from numerical simulations of a honey antitube in EMG900 ferrofluid under a flow rate of 175 μl min−1 for two cases: first, the semi-infinite case with no inlet effects (a, b); ...