The bandage that stays on. Active Ingredients: 8-Hydroxyquinoline 1% Inactive Ingredients: Alcohol 6.7%; Oil of Cloves; Pyroxylin Solution Uses: First aid to help prevent bacterial contamination in minor cuts and scrapes. New-Skin Liquid is for small cuts and wounds. New-Skin dries rapidly to...
new skin liquid bandage second skin liquid bandage liquid bandages About this item Product details NA Pack of: 1 New-Skin provides antiseptic treatment for hard-to-cover cuts, wounds, scrapes, calluses, and dry, cracked skin in places such as fingers, hands, face, and other hard-to-cover ...
凑单品: new-skin Liquid Bandage 急救液体创可贴 1盎司 $4.99 凑单品好价~有没有遇到这种情况,拿着普通的创可贴,面对位置尴尬的伤口各种姿势用遍仍旧不能完全包覆伤口。而这款new-skin液体创可贴具有非常好的可塑性,各种不规则的伤口都方便处理,涂上之后迅速风干,
防水性良好,不怕洗澡;透气性比传统创可贴好。 美国New-Skin Liquid Bandage液体创可贴,30ML,涂抹到伤口之后,1-2小时之后可以形成一层保护膜,起到防水杀菌的作用!然后就可以正常洗手洗澡洗脸,完全不影响生活,家庭必备药品哟!更多New Skin产品请点击这里,可以看出这还是一家相当有实力的品牌。 此产品在美国亚马逊液体创...
New-Skin® Sensitive Skin goes on sting-free and when you are ready to remove it, gently wash it off. No more painful removal of adhesive bandages.
美亚目前售价4.74美元,近期低价,属于Add-on商品满25美元发货。需要的比友可以凑单带回。 这款液体创可贴,美亚同类产品销量第一,可用于伤口的保护,具有防水速干的能力,只要轻轻一抓就可以形成一层薄膜,防止灰尘和细菌的进去,预防伤口的感染,家庭必备产品。 价格走势...
美国亚马逊 New-Skin Liquid Bandage, First Aid Liquid Antiseptic, Over 50 Applications, 0.3 Fluid Ounce历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名New-Skin Liquid Bandage, First Aid Liquid Antiseptic, Over 50 Applications, 0.3 Fluid Ounce
New-Skin Liquid Bandage液体创可贴美国亚马逊售价$5.35,转运凑单到手约66.47元。海淘链接 比起普通创可贴,液体创可贴涂抹后不怕进水,涂抹部位不会因为胶布包扎而发白,膜体紧紧覆盖创面,比普通创可贴提供了更全面的保护。 这款创口贴防水性非常好,特别适合夏天使用,对皮肤割伤、擦伤、轻微破损等症状很有效果。
skin glue皮胶; 液体创可贴的英文是什么 液体创可贴用英语怎么说 液体创可贴怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [yè tǐ chuāng kě tiē] 液体创可贴翻译:液体创可贴的英文 liquid bandage,液体创可贴也可以翻译为 skin glue 表示液体创可贴。 液体创可贴的意思 液体创可贴的翻译 液体创可贴的解释 液体创可贴的发音 液体创可贴的辞典例...
The present invention relates to a liquid bandage for protecting skin and injury and a manufacturing method for the same, and more particularly, to a liquid bandage which is characterized by comprising a polyurethane and a volatile solvent, and further comprising one or more selected from the ...