Furthermore, the introduction of flavored tea and other tea varieties such as green tea and iced tea has broadened the consumer base. Another reason, besides the health factor, for the popularity of tea is the fact that it is instant and is readily available as a ready to drink brew. ...
Declining sales of low-cost, commodity grade black tea in developed markets due to changing tastes convinced Unilever to sell most of its $3 billion tea portfolio. The separation of the brands is now complete with a sale likely by year-end. Why should you not drink Lipton tea? High amount...
Glasgow,1890–Founder:ThomasLipton–TheheadquarterisinScotland.–Liptonisoneofthebestknownandbestsellingbrandsofteaandhasmadeabigsplashinglobalmarketwithitstea-baseddrinksincludingleaftea,Liptoninfusionsandotheralternativestosoftdrinks.Ithasawideproductrangewhichincludes,YellowLabelTea,LiptonIceTeaandLiptonGreenTea ...
–IthascomeupwithdifferentteaflavorslikeasLiptonVanillaandLiptonWhiteTeaPomegranateforitsconsumer’s.Moreover,LiptonrealizedthegrowingneedanddemandofmarketforgreenteaandinstantlycameupwithitsLiptonGreenTeaproducttosatisfyitsconsumers.Weaknesses •OneofthebiggestweaknessesofLiptonisitshighprice –ThepriceofLiptonisa...
the demand of tea growing exponentially in the European market by mid-1890 he purchased his own tea gardens in Ceylon, Sri Lanka and packaged and sold Lipton Tea at low cost by making it available in small packets. Lipton Tea later also went onto become a huge success in The United ...