《Lipids in Health and Disease》,这本医学三区SCI,审稿速度巨快,通过率80%,国人占比第一,投稿体验一绝,网友反馈非常不错。该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度一般,3-8周,影响因子指数4.5,妥妥的潜力刊,伙伴们有稿就投吧,一投就中!#评职称#sci#医学科普#毕业论文#临床医学 ...
Lipids in Health and Disease该刊的官方投稿网址为: submission.nature.com/n 自引率 期刊自引率2.2%,自引率较低 影响因子 期刊Lipids in Health and Disease,最新影响因子4.5,稳步发展中 后台扫描,可以查看更多期刊信息 审稿周期 从期刊Lipids in Health and Disease官网数据显示来看,平均3个月左右可接收,审...
投稿网址:https://submission.nature.com/new-submission/12944/3 期刊网址: https://lipidworld.biomedcentral.com/ 出版商网址: https://www.biomedcentral.com/ Lipids in Health and Disease《健康与疾病中的脂质》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称LIPIDS HEALTH DIS 参考译名《健康与疾病中的脂质》 核心类别 SCI...
这个消息便是单博士论文发表的期刊发表速度特别快,11月10日投稿,12月29日就拿到录用通知了,历时50天,其中第一次审稿历时一个月多一点。如此快的速度非常适合毕业或者评职称着急需要论文的朋友。 该期刊的信息如下: 期刊名称:Lipids in Health and Disease 期刊ISSN:1476-511X 2021年影响因子:3.876 中科院分区: 大...
Lipids in Health and Disease年发文量近几年有所下降,2022年发文共计172篇。 04 国人占比 Lipids in Health and Disease2022年中国人文章占该期刊总数量50.00%,国人占了五成,对国人友好。 05 自引率 Lipids in Health and Disease最新自引率2.30%,数值比较低,放心投稿。 06 文章类型 论著为主,其它类型文章...
期刊:Lipids Health Dis 期刊ISSN1476-511X 期刊全称Lipids In Health And Disease 期刊缩写Lipids Health Dis 影响因子2.073 自引率5.90% SCI 收录情况SCIE收录; ESI 学科分类生物与生化(Biology & Biochemistry) 中科院大类分区生物:3区 中科院小类分区生化与分子生物学4区...
福州辑思编译整理了最新的Lipids in Health and Disease 期刊投稿经验, 期刊官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊分区。
Lipids in Health and Disease is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of lipids: their interaction with proteins, (bio) chemistry, (molecular) pharmacology, (molecular) toxicology, natural products chemistry, role in health and disease, in addition to the sy...
Bridging the gap between the lab and the clinic, Lipids in Health and Diseases publishes high-quality, high-volume research on all aspects of lipids. We ...
Lipids in Health and Diseaseis aimed at all scientists, health professionals, and physicians interested in lipids. Lipids are defined herein based on their broadest sense and include cholesterol, triacylglycerol, fatty acids, phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycosphingolipids, remnant cholesterol, inositol...