Results The Nuclear and Mitochondrial Lipidome We set out to analyze the daily lipid composition of two principal intracellular organelles, namely the nucleus and mitochondria, in mouse liver. To this aim, mice were sacrificed at 4-hr intervals throughout the day, livers were harvested, and nucle...
In this study, more than half of the patients had a significant difference between their consecutive LDL-C results. This wide difference between two consecutive tests was diminished using newer calculations, yet not well explained. The fasting state likely has no effect on LDL-C levels. The ...
317) from snRNA-seq, coloured by annotated cell type. Data are shown after quality control and batch correction.c,d, Volcano plot representing MAST-based single-cell differential gene expression results (see section on ‘Single-cell differential gene expression’) of microglia...
Analysis of data with mixed-model methods (EMMAX, GEMMA, GenABEL) and PLINK showed a low positional concordance between trait-associated regions (TARs) for serum lipids at 45 and 190 days. Besides, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by SNPs at these two time points was also substa...
genetic correlations between traditional lipids and lipid species, we also calculated the genetic correlations after excluding the individuals using lipid lowering medications (N = 172). This re-analysis provided the similar results as the primary analysis (Supplementary Fig.3). It is to be ...
1) also results in the formation of supersized LDs [28], [37], [38] and that this can be rescued by induction of the parallel PC biosynthetic route, the Kennedy pathway, by adding its precursor choline. However, choline addition does not rescue the sei1Δ and ldb16Δ supersized LDs, ...
Results The WES and WGS data included 42,682 and 101,718 PAVs, respectively, available for participants with lipid data (Additional file 1: Table S3); 79–82% were low-frequency variants with MAF<5%. A total of 2240 and 9577 variants in WES and WGS, respectively, were annotated as PTV...
However, the significant loci identified here were not well consistent with our previous QTL mapping results in the same F2 population [21]. For instance, the most prominent locus on SSC3 for LDL-C and TC was not identified by our previous QTL mapping. This explanation could be that: (1)...
Naturally generated lipid nanoparticles termed extracellular vesicles (EVs) hold significant promise as engineerable therapeutic delivery vehicles. However, active loading of protein cargo into EVs in a manner that is useful for delivery remains a challe
2 Advanced Biomedical Research | 2014 Rasi, et al.: Lipid profile levels in skin tags affected people T-test was used to determine the probable significant difference of fasting plasma lipid levels.T -test was used for hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia. Pearson correlation analysis was ...