3H). Thus, immune responsive LD modulation occurs in both adult mosquitoes and Aag2 cells. The Aedes aegypti midgut microbiota stimulates LD enrichment in midgut cells The Aedes aegypti midgut microbiota is composed mainly by gram-negative bacteria20,21,22. After a blood meal, the bacterial load...
Its volume in the cell membrane is estimated at around 6 mol% (Zech et al., 2009). Its degradation by decarboxylation merges with the biosynthesis process of phosphatidylethanolamine, which occurs in large quantities in the plasma membrane (Dawaliby et al., 2016). Like PE, PS is mostly ...
3.The most commonly occurring fatty acids havenumber of carbons inchains. 4.In monounsaturated FAs,bond is usually betweenand, other double bonds of polyunsaturated FA are usuallyand D15. 5. In mammals fatty acid synthesis occurs primarily in theand, Also occurs induring lactation. ...
feeding and fasting) not only cause morphological changes to LDs such as fusion, expansion, and shrinking, but also change the lipid composition of LDs. During the growth of LDs in the cytosol, lipid synthesis also occurs at the LDs by relocation of lipid synthesizing enzymes to...
A substantial amount of cellular lipid metabolism and synthesis occurs in the mitochondria. Lipids present in the mitochondrial membrane include lysophosphatidic acid, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylglycerol, and cardiolipin (CL), a lipid that is unique to the mitochondrial membrane. The presence of ...
Ferroptosis is a type of iron-dependent regulated necrosis induced by lipid peroxidation that occurs in cellular membranes. Among the various lipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) associated with several phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), are responsibl...
3.2PXR in lipid metabolism Triglyceridesand fatty acids are also vital metabolic fuels. Lipidhomeostasiscenters on balancinglipiduptake and synthesis withlipid catabolismand secretion. When glucose and fatty acids exceed the body's energy needs, they are converted to triglycerides in the liver for stora...
Microglia are responsible for the neuroinflammatory phenotype that occurs in brains of Npc1−/− mice as infiltration of peripheral macrophages could not be detected in this model50,53,83. However, the contribution of microglial activation to neurodegeneration in NPC is still debated28,47,52,55...
In recent years, various proteins and lipids have been implicated in LD biogenesis, and a general model of LD biogenesis has emerged8,9. Assembly of LDs occurs at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)10,11, and is dependent on synthesis of neutral lipids12. At low concentrations neutral lipids ...
This is supported by studies in rodent adipose explants and adipocytes, which demonstrated that lipogenesis occurs in the presence of glucose, which acts as a carbon source for fatty acid synthesis (10) and facilitates fatty acid esterification for lipid storage (11). However, these studies were ...