characterization of biomarker profiles that identify premature CHD has been inadequate.20-24To our knowledge, there have been no large prospective studies on the association of an extensive panel of novel and traditional biomarkers according to age at the time of incident CHD, and none specifically ...
HDL-C; Test code: 7600, Quest Diagnostics, LLC Marlborough, MA) or hepatic protein panel (total protein, albumin, globulin, and albumin/globulin ratio) (Test code: 90843, Quest Diagnostics, LLC Marlborough, MA), every 1–2 h such that every other sample was assayed for the same panel...
For lipid replication, 69,635 participants from the Nord-Trøndelag Health (HUNT) study and 390,606 participants of the UK Biobank with genome-wide array data and lipid data were included. The HUNT study is a longitudinal, repetitive population-based health survey conducted in the county of No...
Article Atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism was published on May 1, 2023 in the journal Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) (volume 61, issue s1).