The canonical Singer–Nicolson model of lipid bilayers with embedded proteins emphasize the passive barrier properties of the bilayer component. It is, however, becoming increasingly clear that the notion of bilayers as essentially inert two-dimensional sheets of liquid hydrocarbon is problematic. There ...
Proteins may tilt when embedded in a too-thin bilayer. Our simulation data suggest that, when the embedded protein has a small size, the main mechanism to compensate for a large hydrophobic mismatch is the tilt, whereas large proteins react to negative mismatch by causing an increase of the ...
The canonical Singer–Nicolson model of lipid bilayers with embedded proteins emphasize the passive barrier properties of the bilayer component. It is, however, becoming increasingly clear that the notion of bilayers as essentially inert two-dimensional sheets of liquid hydrocarbon is problematic. There ...
The view of the lipid bilayer in membranes as a passive barrier, with the embedded proteins assigned all functionality, has stood unchallenged for about half a century. Numerous results during the last decade have drastically changed this picture. It is now well established that the lipid molecules...
The considered bilayer is composed of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) lipids. Several coarse-grained models for nanoparticles are considered in order to mimic carbon-based nanoparticles of different shapes and sizes. The considered nanoparticles are hydrophobic and therefore they reside in the interior...
These methods have been used to study membrane protein folding, with the rate of folding of perfringolysin O (ref. 21) and the ‘pH low insertion peptide’22 each being modulated by charge asymmetries across the bilayer. However, both of these proteins exist in stable, water-soluble forms ...
MSP is mediated by lipid molecules, such that destabilization of the bilayer by the BAM complex allows the MSP proteins to sample more conformational space in the region adjacent to the lateral gate, leading to the EM structure presented here with MSP distortion and the lateral gate co-located....
with the polar head facing out on each surface to interact with water, and with the neutral “tails” driven inward and pointing toward one another. The lipid bilayer is the structural basis of all cell membranes and is nearly impermeable toionsand most polar molecules. Proteins embedded in th...
Different types of lipid bilayer-delimited nanoparticles, named extracellular vesicles (EVs), are released to FF, and these ffEVs participate in metabolic exchanges between the follicular cells and enclosed oocyte, which is crucial for the acquisition of oocyte competence to ovulate and develop viable...
In this review, we will explore the lipid bilayer membrane (LBM), its structure, incorporation of proteins with LBMs, and the supporting surfaces used for probing different proteins the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to study the capacitance and resistance of a membrane, protein and ...