a tongue tie may cause a speech impediment by preventing a child from making sounds that involve touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth. A lip tie may cause a gap between the two front teeth, which can be corrected by orthodontics in conjunction...
From the old man's cardigan and frayed tie to the youngster's torn jeans plus lip-stud, dress stands for identity. 衣着即身份,从老年人的开襟衫、磨破了边的领结,到年轻人身上的怀旧破仔裤和唇环,无不如此。 www.ecocn.org A face detection method combined skin and lip's color information was ...
Since, occasionally, mosaic trisomy 13 may mimic cleft lip and palate in the newborn, cytogenetic studies are indicated in the presence of any additional anomaly.doi:10.1159/000152822Beer, S.Fried, K.Krespin, H.I.Rosenblatt, M.Tieder, M....
"When it's tethered, the upper lip, everyone has a connective tissue there, is curled into the palate. And with the tongue, it's connected to almost the tip of the tongue. You can have an anterior tie, which is the visible string that's connected in the wrong area, or in...