美[ˈlɪp ˌsɪŋk] 英['lɪp .sɪŋk] v.对口形 网络对嘴;对口型演唱;嘴唇也在同步 第三人称单数:lip-syncs现在分词:lip-syncing过去式:lip-synced 英汉 英英 网络释义 v. 1. 对口形 释义: 全部,对口形,对嘴,对口型演唱,嘴唇也在同步...
lip synching 假唱 bearing lip 轴瓦凸起 adenocarcinoma of lip 唇腺癌 bucket lip 铲斗前缘,鼻坎 edge lip 边缘凸起变形 elastic lip 弹性唇片 dorsal lip 背唇 crack lip 断裂先端 lip block 支撑垫块 lip grinding 挡边磨削 相似单词 lip n. 1.嘴唇 2.(容器或凹陷地方的)边缘 3.粗鲁无礼的...
XH: 在超级碗表演环节上演的那次lip-synching,实际上并不是真正意义上的对口型演唱,因为Red Hot Chilli Peppers的主唱是在真唱,但乐队的贝斯手和吉他手因为准备时间不足,所以只是假装在演奏,more like miming,哑剧表演或者双簧表演。但是对口型演唱到底是可以接受的呢还是不能接受的呢? John: Yeah, I think in the...
试题来源: 解析 英文中的“假唱”就是lip synching,这一说法倒是一语道破“天机”,所谓的“假唱”就是让嘴唇的动作和录音的声音同步. 分析总结。 英文中的假唱就是lipsynching这一说法倒是一语道破天机所谓的假唱就是让嘴唇的动作和录音的声音同步反馈 收藏 ...
近日,知名摇滚乐队五月天被质疑在演唱会上假唱。目前,五月天暂未公开回应此事。是否确有其事,也需要进一步调查。 Famous Taiwan rock band Mayday have come under a cloud of suspicion for alleged lip-synching during their recent concert performances, with the controver...
The meaning of LIP-SYNCH is to pretend to sing or say at precisely the same time with recorded sound. How to use lip-synch in a sentence.
I found the English track excellent, with good voice acting and no problem with lip-synching. Instead, his actors lip-synch to the prerecorded music. The movies are musicals, but the actors don't sing; they lip-synch to songs previously recorded by playback singers. Shot in and around so...
假唱英语咋说?用lip-synch! 🌟大家好! 🎤今天我们来聊聊“假唱”的英语表达 🎯我们可以用lip-synch 或 lip-sync 来表示 🌰例如:Several singers were alleged to have lip-synched their songs. 几名歌星被指假唱。 🌰再如:The professional singer was caught lip-synching during a concert broadcast ...
英文中的“假唱”就是lip synching,这一说法倒是一语道破“天机”,所谓的“假唱”就是让嘴唇的动作和录音的声音同步。
假唱的英文叫 lip sync 或 lip synch,lip synching. 后面那个词是 synchronize的缩略,同步的意思。 Lip synching is when a person moves his or her lips at the same time as a recorded sound or with another person. 也叫对嘴、对口型、咪嘴。