paw paw lip balm Nurtures, smoothes moisturises and protects with Jojoba, honey and cocoa Butter. 是什么意思?... 是什么意思? 展开 网友 1 最佳答案 回答者:网友 简单的说这是一款成分天然的润唇膏,含有荷荷巴油,蜂蜜,以及可可油(三个都是滋润的成分) PAW PAW是品牌名字。我来回答 提交回答 重置等...
简单的说这是一款成分天然的润唇膏,含有荷荷巴油,蜂蜜,以及可可油(三个都是滋润的成分)PAW PAW是品牌名字。
PAW PAW是品牌名字。
The long-lasting, clear balm leaves lips with a light glossy sheen after application. Daily lip care to moisturise and protect lips. Natio Paw Paw Lip Balm is deeply nourishing with exotic extracts of paw paw mixed with pure honey, jojoba oil and cocoa butter to nurture and smooth. The ...
ซื้อ Vitality สี Lip Balm ลิปสติกเปลี่ยน Cat Paw ให้ความชุ่มชื้นยาวนาน Jelly Lip Gloss แต่งหน้า Nutritious
Allow yourself to be a little selfish today by asking your boyfriend to hose you down after sex with a revitalizing rinse of pure pee gold, à la R.Kelly. Leave the treatment in while you run errands.Everyonewill be asking what you’re doing differently ...
Natio娜迪奥Paw Paw 润唇膏可以有效淡化唇纹、令双唇光滑柔嫩,独特丰富的天然植物配方可高度滋养及修复双唇,令双唇时刻健康、柔韧、润泽。蕴含木瓜精华,有软化角质及柔软肌肤的功效,温和去除唇部死皮,重现唇部柔嫩肌肤;蜜糖及荷荷芭油则能进一步滋润肌肤,修复唇部干裂细纹等问题,减轻唇部因干燥带来的不适感;蜂蜡及可可...
简单的说这是一款成分天然的润唇膏,含有荷荷巴油,蜂蜜,以及可可油(三个都是滋润的成分)PAW PAW是...