When Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist and avid trophy hunter, killed Cecil the Lion in July 2015, the incident ignited a furor. For Oxford University biologist Andrew Loveridge, who had been studying Cecil for the past eight years, it was devasta... Zimbabwe lions hunting trophy hunting Wa...
Eating is a necessity of animal life. So you might expect that individuals would do everything possible to maximize their food intake. An example, often invoked, is that lions live in prides because group hunting increases food availability by allowing the lions to kill prey that would be too...
Meat is introduced into their diets from three months onward, the same time a cub receives its first hunting lesson. It will take two years for a lion to become proficient at hunting prey and four years before they have really mastered the art. When prey is abundant, lionesses try to ...
One of the hunting characteristics of lions is that they do not consider the direction of the wind although when they do so, they are probably much successful. One out of five lions is mostly ends up in a successful chase. Once the prey is grounded, it has a little or no chance to e...
"We were like detectives," says Celesia of the forensic work the team did to better understand the injuries that the lions sustained and figure out what the effects on the lions' hunting abilities would be. "CT scans let us reconstruct what happened in the past." ...
cord. These beautiful animals are also a treasured pearl for our planet. They represent very beautiful attractions for tourists who are interested to find out more about their lifestyle. They run very fast and they are very slick when hunting, loving to attack their prey in a very spectacular...
This female lions is eating a Gemsbok calf that it stole from a leopard in the Kalahari. Female lions are smaller than males, yet they do most of the hunting in a pride. However, males are quite capable of hunting on their own. We saw a lone male hunt a large gemsbok in the middle...
Female hunters:The females, who are lighter and more agile, do the hunting for the pride, while the male defends their territory and guards cubs while the females hunt. The females cooperate with each other, switching roles in the hunt in order to effectively kill the prey of the moment. ...
How about the hunting? You may say this must be the 3 lions' job.Well, the answer is no. Hunting is also done 4 the lionesses.Female lions often hunt in groups of two or three. They always chase, surround, and 5their prey(猎物) together.Although they seem pretty 6 , female lions ...
If they are unable to eat all their prey at one time, they wait for a few hours and then continue eating. In hot seasons, the whole pride often goes back to shadow after hunting and leaves one or two male lions to guard the kill. ...