The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 这本书是带有魔幻色彩的儿童文学,语言非常简单。讲的是四个孩子偶然从一个衣柜进入到Narnia传奇世界的故事。四个孩子在狮子的帮助下打败女巫,最后又回到人类世界。本以为这种儿童文学很幼稚,但读来还是觉得... (展开) ...
" exclaimed Lucy. And then she saw that there was a light ahead of her; not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a w...
>我来写笔记 >The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 作者:C. S. Lewis isbn:000711561X 书名:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 页数:176 定价:GBP 5.99 出版社:HarperCollins Children's Books 出版年:2001 装帧:Paperback 又名:狮子,女巫,魔衣橱...
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe TheLion,theWitchandtheWardrobe •影片讲述“二战”期间,英国伦敦饱受空袭威胁。彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙、露西四兄妹被安排到一位老教授狄哥里寇克的乡间大宅暂住。在那里,小妹Lucy发现了一个奇特的魔柜,从那里可以通往奇幻国度———纳尼亚Narnia。于是,四兄妹来到了纳尼亚...
高中英语阅读《Extract from The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe》的文章翻译 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 介绍幻想文学的最好英国作家之一是 C.S. 路易斯 (1898---1963),他写了《狮子星,巫婆和衣橱》. 露西发现了冬天土地Narnia,在那儿她和她的二位兄弟姊妹遇见了白色巫婆.他们也遇见了Aslan 唯一可以打败...
"I can't abide (忍受) the thought of that Witch fiddling with it," said Mrs. Beaver, "and breaking it or stealing it, as likely as not." "Oh, please, please, please, do hurry!" said the three children. And so at last they all got outside and Mr. Beaver locked the door ("...
【精品】THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE(《纳尼亚传奇》第一部――狮子女巫与魔衣橱 英文版) 下载积分:1000 内容提示: 硷晋嵌吐滨芬灶横栗暇钥芋伤恰诉逛痛互 顺荚险咸怂悦郴酣顾隐痔浆 慑四饰香懦壮品穆湃繁诺掌 喇眉窘炊掖鸳忧写实洋沪宁 障掠化巧谢盅跋蕉宠矫剿卢 赛目骏戳赏抉阎咒...
豹豹喊你一起来看纳尼亚-狮子,女巫,魔衣橱的大结局了。 终于等到了这一章,难点反而没多少。纳尼亚战役结束后,四个小家伙坐上了王椅,伟大的阿斯兰又默默离开去需要他的地方了。纳尼...
书名:The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe作者:克莱夫·斯台普斯·刘易斯C.S. Lewis出版:1950 | 简介 《纳尼亚传奇》系列的第一本是《狮子,女巫和大衣柜》,于1950年出版,但路易斯·刘易斯(C. S. Lewis)很早就开始构思这个故事。他从小着迷于童话,神话,和古老传说,再加上童年时期的灵感,带领他写了《狮子...