The Mouse and the Lion is the mobile storytelling app for kids, which will come in handy next time you hear the words “Read for me, mommy (or daddy)!” Amusing…
1.【答案】large【解析】根据图片提示中这个狮子又大又壮,再根据文章第一句和第二句,the Lion was and .The Mouse was small and .(这个狮子又 又 ,这个老鼠又小又 )。可知是狮子和老鼠形成对比,那么根据后一句的small(小)的反义词是(大)。故填“large”。2.【答案】strong【解析】根据图片提示中这个狮子...
“Read to me” and “Read me a story” are the two sentences, which parents hear the most at bedtime. The Mouse and the Lion is just one of the stories you can find in our app Tales with GiGi ( Download Here: ). It is an invaluable present...
Themouse…Twomen16Askandanswer…?…朗读全文,并根据课文内容自己准备几个问题Askandanswer…?…朗读全文,并根据课文内容自17Showtime Showtime18牛津英语Unit-1-The-lion-and-the-mouse-Story-time-课件119Thelionissostrong,whycouldn’themakeaholeinthenet? Whatiftheliondidn’tletthemousego?Themouseissosmall...
The story of “The Lion and the Mouse” shows that even small creatures can be helpful. “The Hare and the Tortoise” teaches us that slow and steady wins the race. What is a common theme in these two stories? A. Big animals are always strong. B. Small animals are useless. C. ...
Soonthemousemadeabigholeinthenetwithhisteeth.Theliongotout.;Fromthenon,thelionandthemousebecamefriends.;;Retellthestory;1.Nothingisimpossible!一切皆有可能。 2.Don’tjudgeabookbyitscover.不要以貌取人。 3.Afriendinneedisafriendindeed.患难见真情。 4.Whatgoesroundcomesround.善有善报。 5.Everymanhas...
这个故事告诉我们即使是最小的生物也可能有很大的帮助。选项 A“The strong should always help the weak.”(强者应该总是帮助弱者)不是这个故事的主要寓意;选项 B“The weak are useless.”(弱者是无用的)错误;选项 D“The lion is kind.”(狮子很善良)不是主要寓意。
Why did he let the mouse go? What did he call the lion? Who captured the lion? How did the mouse free the lion? What does the moral mean? Stories that are related To view any of the lessons below click on link. The ant and the grass hopper story exercise ...
题目The story "The Lion and the Mouse" shows that even small creatures can be helpful. Which statement reflects this idea? A. Big animals are always stronger. B. Small animals are useless. C. Everyone can make a difference. D. Lions are kind. ...
The story of "The Lion and the Mouse" shows that even small creatures can be helpful. What did the mouse do to help the lion? A. Run away. B. Fight with other animals. C. Bite the lion's enemy. D. Tell the lion a joke. ...