# - zen: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/linux-zen/-/blob/main/config # - lqx: https://github.com/damentz/liquorix-package/blob/6.4/master/linux-liquorix/debian/config/kernelarch-x86/config-arch-64 # - lqx: https://github.com/damentz/liquorix-package/blob/6...
# Maintainer: Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <heftig@archlinux.org> pkgbase=linux-zen pkgbase=linux-zen-alder pkgver=6.8.2.zen2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Linux ZEN' pkgdesc='Linux ZEN with Intel Alder Lake config' url='https://github.com/zen-kernel/zen-kernel' arch=(x86_64) license=(GPL...
DELL G15 5515 ryzen edition に Arch Linux をインストールする際の備忘録。 ゆくゆくは、この記事だけで、一通りの設定が完了できる記事にするつもりではあるが、 現時点では、次項で紹介する動画の補足だけに留めておく。 余談ではあるが、私の G15 はかなり強引な方法で、キーボードをUS...
gitclonehttps://aur.archlinux.org/navicat15-premium-cs.git 然后目录下面有一个navicat15-premium-cs文件夹,里面有一个PKGBUILD文件,这里面就写了详细的信息 # Maintainer: FlyInWind <2518509078@qq.com>pkgname=navicat15-premium-cs pkgver=15.0.30 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="Navicat Premium is a multi-connection...
今天才发现百度云盘出了 Linux 版的客户端了,可惜官方适应的系统只是适应系统:中标麒麟桌面操作系统软件(兆芯版) V7.0 和 Ubuntu V18.04,而没有我正在用的 archlinux。 因此今天花了点时间把它做到 docker 容器中去了,这样 archlinux 上也能运行百度云盘客户端了。感觉有了 Docker,再也不怕发行版不一致了。
The current system is ArchLinux with kernel 4.17.9-1 and cpu microcode patch_level=0x08008206. Is anyone else having this issue? Did a cpu change solve the issue? I asked AMD but as result after my first email with the information above I got an RMA approval with no other info. Than...
Archlinux system systemd-boot init amd-ucode package SSD contains EFI, Windows C:\, Linux Root The microcode is meant to be loaded by linux-firmware during boot, but maybe that's not working 100%. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Microcode 0 Likes Reply zen...
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/kernel_parameters19 1 New & Unread Topics TopicRepliesViewsActivity Fedore 41 KDE spin trouble with Dolphin Linux linuxfedora 0135Dec 2024 Opinions on Truenas pool configs Linux zfs 0101Dec 2024 Splitbrain DNS: Any tutorials for setting this up easily?
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA/Troubleshooting#1._GL_threads Enabling the Force Composition Pipeline and setting one of my monitors as the primary display for the X screen plus adding these following two options to the xorg.conf seemed to make it more stable. I managed to get 3...
Please describe your problem: While trying to build anbox-modules-dkms AUR on Arch Linux the compiler exited with error code 2, warning about a bunch of errors. Build log: make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/5.18.5-zen1-1-zen/b...