# 把多个文件和目录压缩到一个压缩文件中 [root@DevOps test] #zip 123.zip abc def -r /root/ 2、“.zip”格式的解压缩命令 “.zip”格式的解压缩命令是unzip,其基本信息如下。 命令名称:unzip。 英文原意:list,test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive。 所在路径:/usr/bin/unzip。 执行...
GNU `tar' saves many files together into a single tape or disk archive, and can restore individual files from the archive. Examples: tar -cf archive.tar foo bar # Create archive.tar from files foo and bar. 创建存档 tar -tvf archive.tar # List all files in archive.tar verbosely.列出所...
如果在编译zip时包含bzip 2库,zip现在也支持bzip 2压缩。当将大于4GB的文件添加到存档中时,zip会自动使用Zip 64扩展名,包含Zip 64条目的归档将被更新(如果结果的归档仍然需要Zip 64),归档的大小将超过4GB,或者当归档中的条目数超过64K时。Zip 64也用于从标准输入中传输的档案,因为事先不知道这些档案的大小,但是...
将文件 debug.log 压缩为 debug.zip: [wang@localhost doc]$ zipdebug.zip debug.log adding: debug.log (deflated98%) [wang@localhost doc]$ ls-ldebug.zip -rw-rw-r--.1wang wang838810月815:37 debug.zip 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.压缩率为 8 [wang@localhost doc]$ zipdebug2.zip-8debug.log add...
tar -tvf archive.tar # List all files in archive.tar verbosely.tar -xf archive.tar # Extract all files from archive.tar.【例】[root@bogon src]# tar -cvf grub.tar /boot/grub/ # c create 创建 # v 详细 # f filename 1 归档 把两个目录或目标+文件打包成一个软件包 [root@xuegod63 ...
[root@xuegod63 ~]# tar -tvf back.tar #List all files in archive.tar verbosely. 例4:对比加v的效果 [root@xuegod63 ~]# tar -xf back.tar [root@xuegod63 ~]# tar -xvf back.tar boot/grub/ boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz 9.1.2 tar 归档+压缩 ...
zip: 安装压缩与解压命令 yum-y install zip unzip zip- package and compress (archive) files 压缩文件或文件夹 压缩 -r 选项指定你想递归地(recursively)包括所有包括在 filesdir 目录中的文件 zip-r etc.zip /etc 解压 unzip- list, test and extract compressed filesin a ZIP archive 显示、...
1 file, 22187547440 bytes (21 GiB) Extracting archive: clean.zip -- Path = clean.zip Type = zip Physical Size = 22187547440 64-bit = + Everything is Ok Folders: 4 Files: 8 Size: 22184167341 Compressed: 22187547440 正常解压完毕。最终的文件名称就不给大家看了。
[.zip]may be a wildcard.-Z=>ZipInfomode("unzip -Z"forusage).-p extract files to pipe,no messages-l listfiles(short format)-f freshen existing files,create none-t test compressed archive data-u update files,createifnecessary-z display archive comment only-v list verbosely/show version ...
Alternatively, you can also clone the git repository, but be aware that this has more dependencies and the build will likely take longer because the release archive ships with most of the auto-generated files that will have to be generated when building from the repository: $ git clone --rec...