你可能已经知道如何在 Linux 中获得你的系统的 IP 地址。 但是你怎么知道你的路由器的 IP 地址呢? 我说的不是你可以通过连接到 “ Show My IP” 这样的网站或简单地在 DuckDuckGo 中 搜索“what is my ip” 获得…
The third option is to use a service that helps you to look up your public IP. This is e.g. done byGoogle. Go togoogle.comand enter "what is my ip address" in the search form, Google will then show you your IP address as the first result. Can you find location from IP address?
卸载步骤:1、在源代码包目录中,终端执行:make uninstall2、有些软件包的源代码在编译安装后可以使用make uninstall命令来进行卸载,如果没有提供此功能,则该软件的卸载也只有手动删除。由于软件可能将文件分散安装在系统的多个目录中,手动删除往往很难将它删除干净,这也许是很多人比较头痛的地方。所以,通常的做法是,在...
文件默认权限:文件默认没有可执行权限,因此为 666,也就是 -rw-rw-rw- 。 目录默认权限:目录必须要能够进入,也就是必须拥有可执行权限,因此为 777 ,也就是 drwxrwxrwx。 可以通过 umask 设置或者查看默认权限,通常以掩码的形式来表示,例如 002 表示其它用户的权限去除了一个 2 的权限,也就是写权限,因此建立新...
vip.linux-code.com • What is my IP address? — The best tool to find your own IP address, and information about it.
As you are exploring on your own, I would highly recommend exploring “ip address help” as well as “man ip address” for more details. These commands are very powerful and flexible. What is my IP address? (main) expert@expert-cws:~$ ip address show 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP>...
mkfs.ext4 – What it actually creates September 26, 2023 Pipe and Splice September 19, 2023 Syscall latency… and some uses of speculative execution September 12, 2023 sos report – The Swiss Army Knife of Diagnostic Tools September 5, 2023 ...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
We recommend using Visual Studio to develop with Linux containers, so that's what this tutorial uses. You can also use Visual Studio Code, although there are differences in support between the two tools. For more information, see Develop Azure IoT Edge modules using Visual Studio Code....
#host.name=内网ip #解决外网无法访问的问题,这里要用内网ip log.dirs=/home/zerone/zxf/local/kafka/logs/server #日志存放路径可修改可不修改 zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181#zookeeper地址和端口,单机配置部署,localhost:2181 broker.id 申明当前kafka服务器在集群中的唯一ID,需配置为integer,并且集群中的每一个...