The years go by, and I keep trying one Linux desktop distro after the other. But for more than a decade now, I come back to Linux Mint. Why? It's simple: Year in and year out, Mint remains the best, easiest-to-use Linux desktop. ...
It was too awkward to build with its dependency on Facebook's (quite awesome) folly library and it didn't have any documentation. Digging out the project again this year, things didn't look as grim as they used to. Folly now builds with CMake and so I just pulled it in as a ...
Of course, these aren’t the only distributions to look out for this year but so far, they have been getting the most attention in developer and Linux enthusiast circles. What is common to all of them is the fact that they were created as a response to solving a problem in one niche ...
ftpwho display all active ftp users ftpcount current # of users logged in to the sys. and the max # allowed. ftpshut shutdown ftp server. /etc/shutmsg created. remove /etc/shutmsg to restart ftp server top-> s1: 1 second interval. M: sort by mem. P: sort by CPU. T: time...
This page links to various Linux performance material I've created, including the tools maps on the right. These use a large font size to suit slide decks. You can also print them out for your office wall. They show: Linux observability tools, Linux static performance analysis tools, Linux...
Alma Linuxis created by CloudLinux, an enterprise which was already providing CentOS based servers and kernel patching service. These two distros have captured the market left open by CentOS.Red Hat’s plan of giving free RHEL licenses to small businesseswas not as successful. ...
“Oracle’s support for Red Hat Linux will encourage broader adoption of Linux in the enterprise. IBM shares Oracle’s goal of making Linux a reliable, highly standard, cost effective platform for mission critical applications backed by world class support.” ...
(RHEL) engineers, and is used as the major version branch that RHEL minor versions are created from. It has roughly a five year lifecycle and will be maintained until 2030. The exact date will be contingent on the end of the Full Support phase of RHEL 10. Special Interest Groups (SIGs)...
Do I mean the TCP/IP stack in the kernel or the TCP/IP utilities provided in a Linux distribution that are also part of an installed Linux system, or both? This vagueness actually became ammunition for the proponents of the “GNU/Linux” moniker, who pointed out that Linux was the ...
schedutil is a CPU frequency scaling governor that makes decisions based on the utilization data provided by the scheduler, as opposed to other governors that use CPU idle time, such as ondemand. It was introduced in the Linux kernel version 4.7. However, it is only viable for production use...