也可以通过dmesg | grep eth0 等看到网卡名字(厂家)等信息 通过查看/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 可以看到当前的网卡配置包括IP、网关地址等信息。 当然也可以通过ifconfig命令查看。 6.如何查看主板信息? lspci 7.如何挂载ISO文件 mount -o loop *.iso mount_point 8.如何查看光盘相关信息 方法一...
Now, Let's get into the commands section. If you want to enrich your career and become aprofessional inLinux, then visitMindmajix- a globalonline trainingplatform: "Linux Training Certification" This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. File Commands in Linux Operating Sys...
“How can we find out how many NICs are installed in our Redhat host without checking it physically?” As with everything else for Linux, there is a command that can do the trick for you and reports all the NIC cards that have been detected by the kernel. Below is all the commands ...
DEBUGGER COMMANDS (AIX DBX, SOLARIS DBX, LINUX GDB) Body Quick summary of commands attach process detach process list threads select specific thread current thread stack specific thread stack print registers list loaded objects remap library path ...
背景: Linux是NFS的Server端,AIX是NFS的Client端(此外,有一个Linux也作为Client端对比测试)。 02 AIX挂载NFS写入效率低效解决 背景: Linux是NFS的Server端,AIX是NFS的Client端(此外,有一个Linux也作为Client端对比测试)。 01 主机、数据库日志收集 10g告警日志默认所在路径:ORACLE_BASE/admin/ORACLE_SID/bdump/ale...
1663/tcp netview-aix-3 netview-aix-3 1664/tcp netview-aix-4 netview-aix-4 1665/tcp netview-aix-5 netview-aix-5 1666/tcp netview-aix-6 netview-aix-6 1667/tcp netview-aix-7 netview-aix-7 1668/tcp netview-aix-8 netview-aix-8 1669/tcp netview-aix-9 netview-aix-9...
If $prefix is a directory, search $prefix/$file -b <arg> Pass -b <arg> to the linker on AIX -CC Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output -cl-denorms-are-zero OpenCL only. Allow denormals to be flushed to zero. -cl-ext=<value> OpenCL only. Enable or disable ...
8. Administrative Commands (管理员命令) export $ENV_VAR:/usr/bin (环境变量) PATH (可执行文件目录) LD_LIBRARY_PATH (C/C++库文件目录) /etc/ld.so.conf (C/C++ 库文件目录表) uptime: 系统1分钟、5分钟和15分钟的系统平均负载 free: 内存使用情况 iostat: 磁盘IO使用情况 pidstat: 查看进程状态 ip...
AIX挂载NFS写入效率低的解决方案 背景: Linux是NFS的Server端,AIX是NFS的Client端(此外,有一个Linux也作为Client端对比测试)。 02 hosts.allow和hosts.deny支持哪些服务 在linux上多用iptables来限制ssh和telnet,编缉hosts.allow和hosts.deny感觉比较麻烦比较少用。 03 使程序在Linux下后台运行 我们计算的程序都是...
IBM AIX Score8.5out of 10 Enterprises Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Score9.3out of 10 Ubuntu Score8.9out of 10 All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives User Ratings Likelihood to Recommend 9.4 (90ratings) 9.3 (109ratings) ...