备注是 command list 登入目录是 /home 指定的 shell 是 /bin/bash command:x:12345:0:command list:/home:/bin/bash 输入命令不合法的提示如下: 用法:useradd[选项]登录 useradd-D useradd-D[选项]选项:-b,--base-dir BASE_DIR 新账户的主目录的基目录-c,--comment COMMENT 新账户的 GECOS 字段-d,...
(y/n) n CREATE USER To create the same user joe using the server on host eden, port 5000, avoiding the prompts and taking a look at the underlying command: $ createuser -h eden -p 5000 -S -D -R -e joe CREATE ROLE joe NOSUPERUSER NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN; CREATE ...
1、添加用户:useradd或adduser( adduser 命令软链接指向useradd命令)添加用户命令有useradd或adduser...
When you run this command, you’ll be prompted to enter your user password. After entering the password, the command will execute with elevated privileges. Running a Command as Another User You can also usesudoto run a command as another user using the-uoption followed by the username. For...
To create a new user account, invoke the useradd command followed by the name of the user. For instance, to create a new user named jane, you would run the following: sudo useradd janeCopy When executed without any option, useradd creates a new user account using the default settings sp...
Create user Enter at the terminal: useradd - m - g usergroupname username -The mcommandmeans to create the user's home directory while creating a new user -The g command means which user group the new user belongs to The above two parameters can be omitted ...
sudo 注:sudo 是通过另一个用户来执行命令(execute a command as another user),su 是用来切换用户,然后通过切换到的用户来完成相应的任务,但sudo 能后面直接执行命令,比如sudo 不需要root 密码就可以执行root 赋与的执行只有root才能执行相应的命令;但得通过visudo 来编辑/etc/sudoers来实现; ...
1.用有dba权限的用户登录:sys用户2.创建一个新用户:create user abc identified by 123456; 3.授予DBA权限: grant connect,resource ,dba to abc; ok,创建好了,就可以用abc这个用户登录了,abc用户拥有dba权限。 select * from dba_users; 查看数据库里面所有用户,前提是你是有dba权限的帐号,如sys,system sel...
本文主要介绍Linux createuser 命令。 1、命令简介 createuser:定义一个新的PostgreSQL用户帐户。 2、命令用法 createuser [ option... ] [ username ] 3、命令描述 createuser创建一个新的PostgreSQL用户(或者更准确地说是一个角色)。只有超级用户和具有CREATEROLE权限的用户才能创建新用户,因此createuser必须由能够...
systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin user1:x:1001:1001::/home/user1:/bin/sh user3:x:1003:1003::/home/user3:/bin/sh user4:x:1004:0::/home/user4:/bin/sh user5:x:1005:1005::/home/user4:/bin/sh user2:x:1002:1002:this is user2:/home/user2:/bin/sh root@shirley-...