1. 进到linux内核源代码目录下cd /home/linux-2.6.16 2. make clean 删除大多数的由编译生成的...
use PowerControl or PowerControl-Fork decky plugins GPD Win Max 2 (6800u) Disable FP sensor on WM2 to fix some suspend-resume issues Note that this fully fixes suspend on the 6800u WM2, but newer models have additional suspend-resume issues The fingerprint scanner has been found to cause...
In Google Play Store, besides installing the Termux app, also install "Termux:API" app. This solves the hanging issue described below on Android 7. To use Termux:API you also need to install the termux-api package. pkg install termux-api 1. Current API implementations: termux-battery-status...
With its ability to operate under water splashes, the 20R Optical Fingerprint Scanner is a robust and reliable addition to any security system. Note: 1.The fingerprint device cannot be directly connected to the computer for use, so it needs to develop SDK to use it. We will provide free ...
ToopenYaST2andconfigureascanner,clickComputerControlCenterHardwareScanner. RefertotheinstructionsontheScannerConfigurationscreenforinformationabouttheavailable options. 2.1.11SpecifyingScreenResolutionSettings Usethismoduletospecifytheresolutionsettingsforyourscreen,includingResolutionandRefresh Rate. CustomizingYourSettings65...
How to check if port is in use on Linux or Unix - nixCraft (cyberciti.biz) Run any one of the following command on Linux to see open ports: sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN sudo ss -tulpn | grep LISTEN ...
⽬录 Termux 是⼀个 An d roid 下的终端模拟器,可以在⼿机上模拟 Linux 环境。它是⼀个⼿机 App,可以从应⽤商店直接下载安装,打开就能使⽤,它提供⼀个命令⾏界⾯,让⽤户与系统交互。它⽀持 apt 软件包管理,可以⼗分⽅便安装软件包,⽽且完美⽀持 Python、PHP、Ruby、Go、...
Fingerprint scanner commandline tool for Linux based on libfprint This project is yet in very early state, but at least partly usable. Building fpscan requires libfprint to be installed. $ autoreconf -fvi $ ./configure $ make Installing Systemwide fpscan can be installed like this: $ sudo...
Kali Linux渗透测试平台提供了大量高效的工具,来完成企业渗透测试中所需的大多数常见任务。 然而,有时单个工具不足以完成给定的任务。 与构建完全新的脚本或程序来完成具有挑战性的任务相比,编写使用现有工具以及按需修改其行为的脚本通常更有效。 实用的本地脚本的常见类型包括用于分析或管理现有工具的输出,将多个工具...
Use old disk-only driver on primary interface 没人用这些古董了 Include IDE/ATA-2 DISK support ATA-2支持,除非你的硬盘是古董,否则必选 Use multi-mode by default 如果不确定就别选,除非出现帮助中指出的错误 PCMCIA IDE support 通过PCMCIA卡与计算机连接的IDE设备,比如某些外置硬盘或光驱 ...