一种常见的正确语法是:“unzip xxx.zip -d /path/to/destination”。 4. “unzip: unsupported compression method xx”:这表示unzip无法处理ZIP文件中使用的压缩方法。尝试使用其他解压缩工具(如7-Zip或gunzip)来处理此文件,或者确认ZIP文件是否损坏。 5. “unzip: caution: filename not matched: xxx”:这表示...
As a system administrator, when dealing with compressed archives, encountering errors during extraction is not uncommon. One of the most common errors is the “filename not matched” message, which usually occurs when attempting to unzip an archive. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the causes of...
[gaarai@tenshi~]$unzip *.zipArchive: a.zip caution: filename not matched: b.zip caution: filename not matched: c.zip[gaarai@tenshi~]$ I’m sure that this is not what you were expecting. I know I certainly wasn’t expecting this when I first tried it. However, this problem can ...
>> Resolving “Filename Not Matched” Error When Unzipping an Archive >> How to Redirect Output of a Program to a Zip File >> The EPUB Format and Converting EPUB Files to PDF >> Unzip Files Bigger Than 4GB >> List Files in a Zip Archive Without Decompressing ...
unzip test1.zip AI代码助手复制代码 同时解压多文件 把当前目录下的test1.zip、test2.zip等test开头的.zip文件同时解压到当前目录 1)用命令(注意必须加引号" "): 不加引号会报错:caution: filename not matched: test2.zip unzip"test*.zip" AI代码助手复制代码 ...
caution: filename not matched: pictures.zip caution: filename not matched: visit.zip 因为会认为后面三个zip文件是在第一个zip文件里面的,因此需要 unzip '*.zip' 或者 unzip "*.zip" 或者 unzip \*.zip 来屏蔽掉linux的通配符(man可以看到Be sure to quote any character that might otherwise be inter...
安装unzip [root@davery tmp]# yum install -y unzip [root@davery tmp]# unzip davery.zip Archive: davery.zip replace 2.txt? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y inflating: 2.txt replace davery/1.txt? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A ...
zip支持压缩目录 zip 1.txt.zip 1.txt 压缩文件 zip -r 123.zip 123/ 压缩文件到指定目录下 unzip 1.txt.zip 解压文件 unzip 123.zip -d /root/456/ 解压文件到制定目录 unzip -l 123.zip 查看压缩文件列表 zip压缩文件或目录 在linux和windows中都有一个zip压缩工具,但是linux下不支持解压windos下的ra...
fd -e zip -x unzip If there are two such files,file1.zipandbackup/file2.zip, this would executeunzip file1.zipandunzip backup/file2.zip. The twounzipprocesses run in parallel (if the files are found fast enough). Find all*.hand*.cppfiles and auto-format them inplace withclang-forma...