Example9:To update a particular file which is modified and we want to update our zip file with this update use -u option zip -u abc.zip 1/2/6/dump2.doc output(Clipped): surendra@linuxnix:~/test$ unzip -l abc.zip Archive: abc.zip Length Date Time Name --- --- --- --- 0 ...
5. sed command examples When you copy a DOS file to Unix, you could find \r\n in the end of each line. This example converts the DOS file format to Unix file format using sed command. $sed 's/.$//' filename Print file content in reverse order $ sed -n '1!G;h;$p' thegee...
sudo zypper install unzip “` 5. Arch 系统: 在终端中运行以下命令来安装unzip: “` sudo pacman -S unzip “` 注意:要使用以上命令安装unzip,您需要拥有root权限或者是具有sudo权限的用户。 安装完成后,您就可以在终端中使用unzip命令来解压缩zip文件了。例如,要解压缩名为example.zip的文件,可以使用以下命令...
Using locate command you can quickly search for the location of a specific file (or group of files). Locate command uses the database created by updatedb. The example below shows all files in the system that contains the word crontab in it. $ locate crontab /etc/anacrontab /etc/crontab /...
For example, combine theunzipcommand withfindto locate multiple archives and extract them simultaneously. Here is an example: find /path/to/zips -type f -name "*.zip" -exec unzip {} -d /path/to/destination/ \; In the snippet, thefindcommand locatesZIPfiles in the/path/to/zipsdirectory...
Usingunzipcommand in Linuxis absolutely simple. You need to tellunzipthe name of thezipfile which you want to unzip. unzip<archivename>Code language:HTML, XML(xml) For example, in the directory, where you have azipfile namedmy-archive.zip, to unzip it, the command would be: ...
unzip example.jar “` 此命令会将.jar文件解压缩到当前目录下,生成对应的文件和文件夹。 2. 使用命令:jar Linux上的JDK(Java Development Kit)自带了一个jar命令,可以用于创建和提取.jar文件。要提取.jar文件,可以使用以下命令: “` jar -xvf example.jar ...
For example, let’s say you have a zip file in yourDownloadsdirectory. Now, extract the file in the same directory using the Ubuntuunzipcommand: $ unzip testfile.zip The above command will unzip the zip file“testfile.zip”in the system’s Downloads directory. You can also verify it to...
Unzip the file:To extract the contents of the ZIP file, use the unzip command followed by the name of the ZIP file.For example: unzip filename.zip Replace filename.zip with the actual name of your ZIP file. This command extracts all the files and directories from the ZIP archive into ...
pingexample.com 32.traceroute- 跟踪数据包的路径 traceroute命令用于跟踪数据包从本地主机到目标主机的路径。 代码语言:bash 复制 tracerouteexample.com 33.curl- 命令行工具和库,用于传输数据 curl命令用于在命令行下工作的工具和库,用于传输数据。