To open man page for uniq command we can use command below. To exit man or info page you can press q. man uniq To open info page for uniq command we can use command below. info uniq To open help page from uniq command we can run command below. uniq --help ...
$ sort /tmp/uniq.txt|uniq –c1alpha css web1cat linuxcommand2error phpfunction1Error PHPfunction1hello world3onmpw web site1recruise page site1repeat no data1wello web site 我们看结果,uniq默认是区分大小写的。使用-i可以忽略掉大小写问题 $ sort /tmp/uniq.txt|uniq –c –i1alpha css web1...
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "physical id" | sort | uniq | wc -l cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "core id" | sort | uniq | wc -l cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | sort | uniq | wc -l # 核数 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "core id" | sort | uniq | wc -l # 线程 cat /proc...
1.cut -d delimiter -f fields eg. cut-d: -f1,3/etc/passwd 2.sort -n numeric-sort -r reverse -t delimiter -k sort via a key -u unique -f ignore upper case 3.uniq sorttest 12 13 12 12 uniq sorttest result: 12 13 12 -d only print duplicate lines, -D print all duplicate li...
In the vast world of Linux command-line utilities, the uniq command stands as a powerful tool for text processing and data manipulation. Whether you’re a seasoned sysadmin, a developer, or just a Linux enthusiast, understanding how to use uniq effectively can make your work more efficient and...
Linux管道命令(pipe)——cut,grep,sort,wc,uniq ... 学习管道之前我们先了解一下linux的命令执行顺序 命令执行顺序控制 通常情况下,我们在终端只能执行一条命令,然后按下回车执行,那么如何执行多条命令呢? 顺序执行多条命令:command1;command2;command3;
uniq 顾名思义, 这个command就是要列出不重复的项(使唯一). 以前一直感觉shell没有set这个数据类型很不方便, 现在完全可以用此命令来弥补了. 需要注意的是:uniq只比较相邻两项, 也就是说隔行的重复, TA是不care的. 这个时候就需要配合sort命令.
sort file1 file2 | uniq 取出两个文件的并集(重复的行只保留一份) sort file1 file2 | uniq -u 删除交集,留下其他的行 sort file1 file2 | uniq -d 取出两个文件的交集(只留下同时存在于两个文件中的文件) comm -1 file1 file2 比较两个文件的内容只删除 ‘file1’ 所包含的内容 comm -2 file...
Linux之uniq..如果你主要是在命令行上工作,并且每天处理大量的文本文件,那么你应该了解下 uniq 命令。该命令会帮助你轻松地从文件中找到重复的行。它不仅用于查找重复项,而且我们还可以使用它来删除重复项,显示重复项的
2. uniq The uniq command provides us with an easy way to filter text files and remove duplicate lines from a stream of data. We can use uniq in a few ways. We can print out either unique lines or the repeated lines. Additionally, uniq can print out each distinct line with a count ...