//buildbot.orphis.net/jpcsp/ ps:进入上面的网页,点击 download 即可下载, 推荐下载 windows 32bit版本模拟器(就算你是64位操作系统也可 分享514赞 pt吧 噬魂_天君 求助群晖linux命令求助请问用什么命令可以把/volume2/*/metadata这个目录下的文件全部移动到上一级然后删除metadata空文件夹,路径中的*表示有上百...
for Windows under *nix using MinGW. Your distribution may have mingw32 packages available. On debian/Ubuntu, you need to install 'mingw-w64'. Thereafter cross compiling is simply a case running 'PLATFORM=mingw32 ARCH=x86 make' in place of 'make'. ARCH may also be set to x86_64. ...
Step 1: Download Splunk Universal Forwarder: http://www.splunk.com/download/universalforwarder (64bit package if applicable!) Step 2: Install Forwarder Step 3: Enable boot-start/init script: /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk enable boot-start (start splunk: /opt/splunkforwarder/splunk start) Step...
,则会报两个错误"重复的_start"和"没找到main") b. 编译带main的汇编程序或C程序时的步骤:gcc -o a a.s;gcc -o a a.c。 (4).section和.previous 将这两个.section和.previous中间的代码汇编到各自定义的段中,然后跳回去,将这之后的的代码汇编到上一个section中(一般是.text段), 也就是自定义段...
sudo dnf install steam steam-devices wine SDL2.x86_64 For Arch-based one: yay steam steam-devices wine sdl2 There is a chance, that you need to alter the command a little bit or use other commands to install the packages. Setting up Steam and the games ...