dump NFS statistics 495 Dedicated NFS file servers 496 Automatic mounting 497 automount: mount filesystems on demand 497 The master file 498 Map files 499 Executable maps 499 Recommended reading 500 Exercises 501CHAPTER 17 SHARING SYSTEM FILES 502 What to share 503 nscd: cache the results of loo...
systemd.automount (5) - Automount unit configuration systemd.device (5) - Device unit configuration systemd.dnssd (5) - DNS-SD configuration systemd.exec (5) - Execution environment configuration systemd.kill (5) - Process killing procedure configuration systemd.link (5) - Network device configura...
[root@host02 /]# service autofs status autofs 服务会根据/etc/auto.master文件来控制自动挂载命令:automount的命令可以更加方便的指定挂载点,主机名, 输出目录等等。 autofs的配置文件以父-子关系来组织,主配置文件(/etc/auto.master) 列出了所有的挂载点,然后他会连接到一个特定的映射类型, 这个类型可以是配置...
CLI Method for automount disk Above you have seen thegraphical way to mount a drive. Now you will see a conventional way toautomounta drive without installing any utility. Roll up your sleeves and open a terminal window. As you know, to automount the physical drive or network drive, you n...
If pathname refers to an automount point that has not yet been triggered, so no other filesystemismounted on it, then the call returns a file descriptor referring to the automount direc‐ tory without triggering a mount. fstatfs(2) can then be used to ...
Indeed, the concept is nothing new (and in fact, systemd includes support for automount units). We’ll go over an example of a socket unit in An Example Socket Unit and Service. But let’s first take a look at how these resource units help you at boot time. 如果您已经了解了类似inetd...
Here is a link to a post with images of my situation where the disk will not automount. Thanks, ww http://windyweather.net/2014/09/28/linux-mint-17-auto-mount-does-not-work-apparently/ windyweather 9 years ago I can't get this to work. LM17 I've set the Mount Options to /lab...
Mounts/Unmounts all Network File Systems, Samba pount points. Not needed if you don't need to automount remote File Systems nfs/nfslock/portmap This is the server functionality for file sharing across TCP/IP networks ntp/ntpd Used for syncing time across a network. You probably don't need...
通过控制台VNC连接主机: 临时关闭: service NetworkManager stop 永久关闭: chkconfig NetworkManager off 小技巧 自动挂载 如果 /home 分区较大,可以让不依赖 /home 分区的服务先启动,把下面的参数添加到 /etc/fstab 文件中 /home 项目的参数部分. noauto,x-systemd.automount 这样 /home 分区只有需要访问时才会...