-dListdirectoriesonly. -lFollowsymboliclinkslikedirectories. -fPrintthefullpathprefixforeachfile. -xStayoncurrentfilesystemonly. -LlevelDescendonlyleveldirectoriesdeep. -RReruntreewhenmaxdirlevelreached. -PpatternListonlythosefilesthatmatchthepatterngiven. -IpatternDonotlistfilesthatmatchthegivenpattern. --...
-l Follow symbolic links like directories. -f Print the full path prefix for each file. -x Stay on current filesystem only. -L level Descend only level directories deep. -R Rerun tree when max dir level reached. -P pattern List only those files that match the pattern given. -I pattern...
Linux系统下一个非常有用的命令:tree命令,它可以通过树形结构显示文件目录结构,非常适合于我们给别人介绍我们的文件目录的组成框架,同时该命令使用适当的参数也可以将命令结果输出到文本文件中。 tree是一个递归目录列表程序,它生成一个深度缩进的文件列表(如果设置了LS_COLORS环境变量,则会着色)并输出为tty。 如果没有...
usage:tree[-adfghilnpqrstuvxACDFNS][-HbaseHREF][-Ttitle][-Llevel[-R]][-Ppattern][-Ipattern][-o filename][--version][--help][--inodes][--device][--noreport][--nolinks][--dirsfirst][--charset charset][--filelimit #][<directory list>]-a All files are listed.-d List dire...
linux day6系统文件管理命令 补充tree命令 显示目录结构层次tree tree tree /opt tree -L 1 /opt/ tree -dL 1 /opt/ -L:显示目录的层级(指定层级) -d:List directories only 只显示目录,不显示文件 示例1 -L 示例二 -d
-x Stay on current filesystem only. -L level Descend only level directories deep. -R Rerun tree when max dir level reached. -P pattern List only those files that match the pattern given. -I pattern Do not list files that match the given pattern. ...
-x Stay on current filesystem only. -L level Descend only level directories deep. -R Rerun tree when max dir level reached. -P pattern List only those files that match the pattern given. -I pattern Do not list files that match the given pattern. ...
# # 1. Update to list not only sub-directories but # # also files # # ...
tree命令的中文意思为“树”,功能是以树形结构列出指定目录下的所有内容,包括所有文件、子目录及子目录里的目录和文件。 语法: tree [-aACdDfFgilnNpqstux][-I <范本样式>][-P <范本样式>][目录...] 补充说明:执行tree指令,它会列出指定目录下的所有文件,包括子目录里的文件。
-x Stay on current filesystem only. -L level Descend only level directories deep. -R Rerun tree when max dir level reached. -P pattern List only those files that match the pattern given. -I pattern Do not list files that match the given pattern. --noreport Turn off file/directory coun...