In another article we learned how to use the sysbench command to benchmark the io speed of a disk drive. Check it here: How to Test (Benchmark) Disk IO Speed with Sysbench in Linux / Ubuntu In this post we shall use a different command line tool called fio (Flexible I/O Tester)....
smartctl 5.40 2010-10-16 r3189 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART overall-health self-assessment test result:FAILED! Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours....
But it cannot be connected to a usb 2.0 port since that would then bottleneck the connection speed and consequently lower the data transfer rates. Test with Sysbench So finally we can run tests on the disk drive using sysbench. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you would ...
This will display the memory speed in MiB/s, as well as the access latency associated with it. This test measures write speed, but you can add--memory-oper=readto measure the read speed, which should be a bit higher most of the time. You can also test with lower block sizes, which ...
Full speed ISO transactions 由于USB 2.0支持低速(1.5Mbps)/全速(12Mbps)/高速(480Mbps)三种规格的外部设备,为了将全/低速设备对高速设备可用带宽的影响减到最小,在USB2.0集线器中提供了一种事务转换(Transaction Translator)机制,该机制支持在Hub连接的是全/低速设备的情况下,允许主控制器与Hub之间以高速传输所有...
$time Now_In_Speed: "$rx_result"kbps Now_OUt_Speed: "$tx_result"kbps" sleep 2 done2、系统状况监控 复制代码 代码如下:!/bin/sh #Mike.Xu IP= top -n 2| grep "Cpu" 》./temp/cpu.txt free -m | grep &...
CURL测速curl -o /dev/null -w "\n DNS 解析域名的时间\n namelookup:"%{time_namelookup}"\n client和server端建立TCP 连接的时间...\n time_total:"%{time_total}"\n 下载速度 单位 byte/s\n speed_download(byte/s):"%{speed_download}"\n" wget测速...wget -O /dev/null ab测速ab -n ...
speed-test- Test your Internet connection speed and ping testdisk- A tool for disk partition recovery. tig- Text-mode interface for git. It functions mainly as a Git repository browser. vim- Advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor...
Speed: 10000Mb/s (表示万M网卡,如果是1000M则表示千M网卡) Duplex: Full Port: FIBRE PHYAD: 1 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: off Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: Operation not permitted Current message level: 0x00000000 (0) Link detected: yes ...
hdparm: Test HDD, SSD, USB Flash Drive’s Performance hdparmis a Linux command line utility that allows to set and view hardware parameters of hard disk drives. And it can also be used as a simple benchmarking tool that allows to quickly find out theREAD speedof a disk. ...