In another article we learned how to use the sysbench command to benchmark the io speed of a disk drive. Check it here: How to Test (Benchmark) Disk IO Speed with Sysbench in Linux / Ubuntu In this post we shall use a different command line tool called fio (Flexible I/O Tester)....
测试:# fio --filename=/home/data/fio_test.big -iodepth=64 -direct=1 -rw=randwrite -bs=4k -size=5G -numjobs=64 -runtime=20 -group_reporting -name=test-rand-writetest-rand-write:(groupid=0,jobs=64):err=0:pid=22957:TueFeb2201:44:572022write:io=468496KB,bw=23415KB/s,iops=5853,...
disk speed test硬盘测速硬盘测速得分 该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼AS SSD Benchmark的跑分成绩有4组(读写都有),测试数据可以设置成1G、3G、5G、10G,还会给出分数:Seq:连续读写速度。AS SSD会先以16MB的尺寸为单位,持续向受测分区写入生成1个达到1GB大小的文件(默认),然后再以同样的单位尺寸读...
Sysbench is a command line utility program available on linux that can be used to conduct different types of benchmark tests to measure performance of disk io, memory, cpu and mysql database. In another article we learned how to use sysbench to test ram read/write speed. In this particular...
echo "the speed of this disk is $average Mb/s" fi rm -rf $testfile fi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 以上脚本测试往磁盘写入1.6G数据的时候磁盘的速度,这里在使用dd命令的时候,使用了参数conv=fdatasync,表示...
group_reporting -name=mytest -ioscheduler=noop io=执行了多少M的IO bw=平均IO带宽 iops=IOPS runt=线程运行时间 slat=提交延迟 clat=完成延迟 lat=响应时间 bw=带宽 cpu=利用率 IO depths=io队列 IO submit=单个IO提交要提交的IO数 IO complete=Like the above submit number, but for completions instead...
上述命令会显示硬盘的缓存读取速度 (Cached Read Speed) 和不带缓存的读取速度 (Buffered Disk Read Speed)。3、 fio 命令 fio 是一个灵活的 I/O 性能测试工具,它使用多线程进行测试,可以测试硬盘的读写速度、IOPS 和延迟等不同指标。例如,可以使用以下命令测试硬盘的顺序读取速度:fio --name=read --io...
speed_test_v6 '' 'Softlayer, Tokyo, JP' } io_test() { (LANG=C dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t...
1) The maximum rotational speed of your hard disk磁盘最大转速 2) The Allocated block size of a file system 文件系统分配的块大小 3) Seek Time磁盘寻道时间 4) The performance rate of the file system's metadata文件系统元数据的性能比率
234.85blocks.../s,写性能最高939.9MB/s dd读 dd读4004MB的test文件,设置bs=4MB,耗时0.649s,读性能为1577.8MB/s,也即394.45blocks/s 结论:读磁盘,在块大小为...4MB的情况下,每秒block最大394.45blocks/s,读性能最高1577.8MB/s hdparm测读 hdparm是一个专门用来获取ATA/IDE磁盘参数的命令,可以看到disk ...