此次微软发布的Windows Terminal是一款终端模拟器(terminal emulator)。老兵命令提示符、PowerShell继续履行历史兼容的职责,Windows Terminal抛掉了历史包袱另起炉灶,支持连接WSL、cmd解释器、Powershell、Powershell Core、SSH远程主机,主要有以下几个功能特性: 多标签页,这也是对众多终端模拟器呼声最高的功能需求,不同的...
wsl-terminal A terminal emulator for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), based onmintty,fattyandwslbridge2. All emojis designed byOpenMoji– the open-source emoji and icon project. License:CC BY-SA 4.0 中文页面(The Chinese README is no longer maintained) ...
4.登入SSH后,运行如下命令,下载镜像(本文以Windows 8.1为例)并部署 sudo命令会提示输入root的密码,该密码与你的用户名密码相同。 sudo su wget -O- windows.gz 'http://mirror.joodle.nl/KS8.1-Joodle-Template.gz' | gunzip | dd of=/dev/sda 本文采用的镜像源于Joodle,参照寻找更多Windows镜像,如Windows ...
MobaXterm, produced by Mobatek, is an enhanced terminal for Windows with a built in X11 server, tabbed SSH client, network tools and more. It is available in a single portable exe file or an install version, both which provides all the important remote network tools and linux commands. It ...
什么terminal最后都被我整成一个无滚动条无菜单的全屏裸窗口,里面套一个 screen 解决。目前用的是 ...
适用于Linux的Windows Mobile Emulator是一款可以在Linux系统上运行的Windows Mobile设备模拟器。它可以让开发者在Linux系统上模拟Windows Mobile设备,进行应用程序的开发和测试。 优势: 方便开发者在Linux系统上进行Windows Mobile应用程序的开发和测试。 可以模拟Windows Mobile设备的各种功能和操作,提高开发效率和测试准确性...
开源最前线(ID:OpenSourceTop) 猿妹编译 链接:https://ubunlog.com/en/alacritty-simple-fast-terminal-emulator/ 终端仿真器是Gnu /Linux系统上最有趣的应用程序之一。虽然有些初学者对终端并不感兴趣,但是,那些经验丰富的开发者却将其视为执行大量任务的最有效工具之一。比如我们今天要介绍的Alacritty。
The HP2392A and the HP70092 terminal emulations are included across our range of emulation software in TTWin 4, TTWinCE, our Windows CE offering and TTerm Connect, our web to host emulator. Our HP2392 terminal has been in the market place for more than 20 years as it was part of our...
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