CTRL-A c Create a new instance of terminal. CTRL-A n Go to the next instance of terminal. CTRL-A p Go to the previous instance of terminal. CTRL-A " Show current instances of terminals. CTRL-A A Rename the current instance. More screen info at:http://www.gnu.org...
1. 命令行界面 (CLI)、终端 (Terminal)、Shell、TTY的区别(8) 2. 准确率(Accuracy), 精确率(Precision), 召回率(Recall)和F1-Measure(7) 3. 交叉验证 Cross-validation(6) 4. 深入理解VMware虚拟机网络通信原理(5) 5. ICP算法(Iterative Closest Point迭代最近点算法)(5) 推荐排行榜 1. 准确...
clear- Clear the terminal display. echo- Print text or variables in the terminal. top- Get information about running processes. Creating and exporting environment variables: env- Display all environment variables running on the system. export- Export environment variables. ...
type in terminal the line below and you will find you're distro flavor/info lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: LinuxMint Description: Linux Mint 17.2 Rafaela Release: 17.2 Codename: rafaela MagicMint9 years ago ...
cheat-sheet-linux Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet by Dave Child (DaveChild) via cheatography.com/1/cs/49/ uname -a Show system and kernel head -n1 /etc/issue Show distri b ution mount Show mounted filesy s tems date Show system date uptime Show uptime whoami Show your username man ...
-P, --pty:Create a pseudo-terminal for the session. -s, --shell=<shell>: Run the specified shell instead of the default. ALSO READ Locate files using which command in Linux [Cheat Sheet] Different examples to use su command 1. su command to make the shell a login shell ...
ubuntu 16.04的terminal如下: user application Linux根据程序的运行,分为用户空间和内核空间,简单的理解就是,普通的应用程序运行在用户空间,一些涉及到系统核心资源的操作的程序运行在内核空间,比如TCP/IP协议栈、驱动、进程调度、内存管理、文件系统等都运行于Linux内核空间, 其实一些应用程序当需要访问系统资源的时候,必...
clearClears the terminal mkdir directorynameCreates a new directory in the present working directory or a at the specified path rmdirDeletes a directory mvRenames a directory pr -xDivides the file into x columns pr -hAssigns a header to the file ...
Ctrl + Ins copies the selected characters from the Bash terminal and Shift + Ins pastes into a Bash terminal.AboutCheat sheet for Linux/Bash commands (can be used in writing scripts). Topicsbash scripting commands linux-shell cheatsheet
formatter: terminal16m # Through which pager should output be piped? (Unset this key for no pager.) pager: less -FRX # The paths at which cheatsheets are available. Tags associated with a cheatpath # are automatically attached to all cheatsheets residing on that path. ...