Paessler PRTG delivers extensive Linux performance monitoring, ensuring your infrastructure runs as smooth as silk. Spot and tackle performance issues before they throw a wrench in your operations. Consider PRTG your system's backstage crew, ensuring every performance is award-worthy. Analyze disk I/...
Kernel(System) Processes:所有的系统进程都是以仅次于Interrupt的优先级被调度的 User Processes: 所有的应用程序都是run在用户态空间,以最低的优先级被内核调度 2. 上下文切换(Context Switch): 线程在运行过程中,CPU时间片用完,或者是被更高优先级的的资源抢占了CPU,该线程都会被放到一个等待队列,等待下一次被调...
sar all purpose performance monitoring tool no yes iostat provides disk statistics no yes netstat provides network statistics yes yes dstat monitoring statistics aggregator no in most distributions iptraf traffic monitoring dashboard no yes netperf Network bandwidth tool no In some distributions ethtool re...
Linux System and Performance Monitoring(总结篇) 结束语: 这是该译文的最后一篇,在这篇中,作者提供了一个案例环境,用之前几篇所阐述的理论以及涉及到的工具,对其进行一个整体的系统性能检查.对大家更好理解系统性能监控,进行一次实战演习. BTW:在中文技术网站上,类似内容的文章,大体是来自该作者06-07年所著论文,...
Linux System and Performance Monitoring Darren Hoch 译:Roger 这是[叔度]给我的一篇非常不错的关于Linux性能监控的文档,可惜是英文的,网上只能找到些中文节选,并不完整。 准备花些时间将原文共43页认真学习一下,顺便翻译分享给大家。当然,还是推荐阅读英文文档,要么使用google翻译,最后再考虑读这篇。:) ...
Kernel(System) Processes(译注:内核处理过程) –所有内核处理过程就是控制优先级别. User Processes(译注:用户进程) –这块涉及”userland”.所有软件程序都运行在这个user space.这块在内核调度机制中处于低优先级. 从上面,我们可以看出内核是怎样管理不同资源的.还有几个关键内容需要介绍,以下部分就将介绍context(译注...
Linux System and Performance Monitoring(Memory篇) Linux System and Performance Monitoring(I/O篇) 8.0 Network 监控介绍 在所有的子系统监控中,网络是最困难的.这主要是由于网络概念很抽象.当监控系统上的网络性能,这有太多因素.这些因素包括了延迟,冲突,拥挤和数据包丢失. ...
System load:Keep track of your Linux server’s computational work with metrics on system load. Sometimes workloads need to be moved to prevent slowdowns. System load metrics can help you stay ahead of this. When it comes to Linux performance monitoring, the best way to stay on top of these...
Nigel's Monitor (nmon) is a system performance monitoring tool originally developed by IBM for the AIX operating system and later ported for Linux on several CPU architectures. The main benefit ofnmonis that it allows you to monitor different aspects of your system, such as CPU utilization, me...
其中:PMU是Performance Monitoring Unit,只要记住-e可以指定事件就可以了,这部分除非特别需要,否则不需要学习这部分方法:额外消耗符合从低到高,简单理解就是剖析(profile)就是定期采样,追踪(trace)就是持续不简单的采样 statistics/count: increment an integer counter on events ...