A great documentation place for Linux commands use wildcards (*,?): example, bz* will match bzlessand bzmore Why notshare an example, a script, or a tip? You can alsohelp us categorise commands! categories networkshellfilesystemprogrammingfilegraphic manipulationdatabaseXpackage managementprinter...
例如,如果有一个名为example.tar.gz的文件,您可以使用以下命令解压缩它: 代码语言:javascript 复制 tar xzf example.tar.gz 这将会将example.tar.gz文件解压缩,并提取其中包含的文件和目录。
% idle : The CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I / O request. mstat commands example 1. To report the processor stats: # mpstat 2 10 2. To report all processor stats: # mpstat -A 2 10 3. To get the processor number for which the stats ...
top command displays the top processes in the system ( by default sorted by cpu usage ). To sort top output by any column, Press O (upper-case O) , which will display all the possible columns that you can sort by as shown below. Current Sort Field: P for window 1:Def Select sort ...
grep -A 3 -i "example" demo_text //输出成功匹配的行,以及该行之后的三行 grep -r "ramesh" * //在一个文件夹中递归查询包含指定字符串的文件 7.6 service 说明:service命令用于运行System V init脚本,这些脚本一般位于/etc/init.d文件下,这个命令可以直接运行这个文件夹里面的脚本,而不用加上路径 ...
reboot Restarting system. reboot 是 shutdown -r 的简单替代方案。 82. systemctl – 控制 systemd 系统和服务管理器 systemctl 命令允许你管理 systemd 服务,如启动、停止、重启或重新加载它们。 systemd 是大多数现代 Linux 发行版使用的新启动系统,取代了 SysV init。
hostname show hostname of system host www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa nslookup www.example.com lookup hostname to resolve name to ip address and viceversa ip link show show link status of all interfaces mii-tool eth0 show link status of ‘eth...
2. Build a Filesystem on a Specific Device In order to build the filesystem using mkfs command, the required arguments are device-filename and filesystem-type as shown below. The following example creates ext3 filesystem on /dev/sda6 partition. ...
curl -L https://example.com 上述命令从 HTTPS URL 获取数据并输出。 有用的 curl 选项: -o– 将输出写入文件。 -I– 仅显示响应头。 -L– 跟踪重定向。 curl旨在以编程方式跨网络传输数据。 Linux 文件权限命令 文件权限命令允许你修改用户的访问权限。这包括设置读/写/执行权限、更改所有权和默认文件模式...
# If the image started as BYOS and was converted to PAYG, the following command will revert it back to BYOS. az vm update -g myResourceGroup -n myVmName --license-type NONE 多个VM 以下命令会将参数中指定的计算机转换为 BYOS。 Azure CLI 复制 # This will enable BYOS on a RHEL virtua...