首先,打开"System Settings"(系统设置)窗口。你会在System Administration(系统管理)下面找到"Startup and Shutdown"(启动和关闭)图标。点击该图标。 系统会要求你从一系列已知的应用程序中选择自动启动的某个应用程序。如果你的程序没有列出来,在上面空白区输入该应用程序的名称。如果该程序(比如CLI命令)将在终端中...
Linux System AdministrationSam Hiser
Once the initial root file system is up, the kernel executes /linuxrc as its first process. When it exits, the kernel assumes that the real root file system has been mounted and executes /sbin/init to begin the normal user-space boot process.[3] In the initramfs scheme (available in L...
Linux 系统管理高级教程(全) 原文:Pro linux system administration 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 一、Linux 简介 您决定学习更多关于系统管理的知识,或者在自由开放源码(FOSS)基础设施上运营您的业务?祝贺并欢迎来到 Linux 和开源软件的世界!
If you’re new to Linux system administration this guide offers you some useful tips and an overview of some of the common issues that may cross your path.
If you're an experienced system administrator looking to acquire Linux skills, or a seasoned Linux user facing a new challenge, Linux System Administration offers practical knowledge for managing a complete range of Linux systems and servers. The book summarizes the steps you need to build everythi...
A confessionI am going to open this blog post with a confession: I like systemd. In fact, I prefer it over SysV and upstart init systems on Linux. It feels good to have that admission up front and in the open. If systemd isn’t something you like or have
An introduction to system administration of a Linux system for novices. Legal Notice Table of ContentsAbout This Book1.Acknowledgments2.Revision History3.Source and pre-formatted versions available4.Typographical Conventions1.Introduction1.1.Linux or GNU/Linux, that is the question.1.2.Trademarks2.Overvi...
IntrotoLinuxSystems Administration SystemsAdministration •Administeringthesystem? •Keepthesystemupinaconsistentstate •Monitorperformance •Babysitusers,makechangesontheirbehalf •Install,configure,upgrade,maintain •Backup,restore,disasterrecovery Sysadmins •Systemadministrationhandledbyvarious people –Full...
开始菜单包括“Administration”(系统管理)、“Documentation”(文档)、“Internet”(互联网)、“Multimedia”(多媒体)、“Settings”(设置)、“System”(系统工具)、“Utilities”(工具)、“Control Center”(控制中心)、“Find Files/Folders”(搜索)、“Help”(帮助)、“Home”(家目录)、“Run Command”(运行)、...