***.sh: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `elif' ***.sh: line 18: ` elif [ "..." ]; then google出的解决方法(对.sh文件中内容进行替换): sed -i -e's/\r$//'***.sh 原文链接: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/97157/command-not-found-and-syntax-error-near-unex...
解决执行脚本报syntax error: unexpected end of file或syntax error near unexpected token `fi'错误的问题 2019-12-11 15:16 −参考:https://blog.csdn.net/u012453843/article/details/69803244 查看脚本格式:set ff如果显示 fileformat=unix 就执行 set ff=unix再查询:fileformat=unix保存并给执行权... ...
解决执行脚本报syntax error: unexpected end of file或syntax error near unexpected token `fi'错误的问题 2019-12-11 15:16 −参考:https://blog.csdn.net/u012453843/article/details/69803244 查看脚本格式:set ff如果显示 fileformat=unix 就执行 set ff=unix再查询:fileformat=unix保存并给执行权... ...
[ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + (4**3 /2) -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + "(4**3 /2)" 3 + (4**3 /2) = 35 [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz xyz = 0 or is not an arithmetic expression [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz + 3 + "...
(4**3 /2)-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('[ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + "(4**3 /2)"3 + (4**3 /2) = 35[ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyzxyz = 0 or is not an arithmetic expression[ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz + 3 + "(4**3 /2)" + abcxyz + 3 + (4**...
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + "(4**3 /2)" 3 + (4**3 /2) = 35 [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz xyz = 0 or is not an arithmetic expression [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz + 3 + "(4**3 /2)" + abc ...
[root@VM_16_3_centosif_test]$ sh expr.sh result=-98result=2-100result=-48expr.sh:command substitution:line12:syntax error near unexpected token `2-6' expr.sh:command substitution:line12:`expr(2-6)*12' result= 使用expr命令时要注意运算符左右两边的空格,同时需要将括号进行转义表示,括号两边...
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc 3 + "(4**3 /2)" 3 + (4**3 /2) = 35 [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz xyz = 0 or is not an arithmetic expression [ian@pinguino ~]$ mycalc xyz + 3 + "(4**3 /2)" + abc ...
elif # 执行语句else# 执行语句 fi 其中elif和else不是必须的,如果只需判断一次,那么if...fi即可。值得注意的是if后面中括号[]中的语句[的后面和]的前面必须要有空格。 下面通过判断大小和文件是否存在看一下判断语句的用法: 1.判断数值大小 代码语言:javascript ...
Error_UnixShell_syntax error near unexpected token `fi' 2014-06-19 BaoXinjian1. Issue调用如下Shell脚本时出现错误syntax error near unexpected token `fi'2. CauseUnix 和 Window存放文件时其编码方式是不一致的,导致Window写好的文件放到Unix中,会有部分乱码出现,主要是换行阶段3...