它封装了sockets C API的C++类库。支持SSL, IPv6, tcp和udp sockets, sctp sockets, http协议, 高度可定制的错误处理。 4.Asio C++ Library:http://think-async.com/ 它是一个基于Boost开发的异步IO库,封装了对Socket的经常使用操作。简化了基于Socket程序的开发。它开源、免费、支持跨平台。 5.libevent:http...
4. Asio C++ Library:http://think-async.com/ 它是一个基于Boost开发的异步IO库,封装了对Socket的常用操作,简化了基于Socket程序的开发。它开源、免费、支持跨平台。 5. libevent:http://libevent.org/ 它是一个C语言写的网络库,主要支持的是类Linux 操作系统,最新的版本添加了对Windows的IOCP的支持。由于IO...
Linux下常用的C/C++开源Socket库 Linux下常用的C/C++开源Socket库1. Linux Socket Programming In C++ : http://tldp.org/LDP/LG/issue74/tougher.html2. ACE: http://www.cs.wustl C++ Linux 开源Socket库 转载 精选 yuan22900 2016-04-14 22:08:43 2499阅读 C++开源库 C++在“商业应用”方面,...
#include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <string.h> intcreate_tcp_socket(); char*get_ip(char*host); char*build_get_query(char*host,char*page); voidusage(); #define HOST "coding.debuntu.org" ...
simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/UNP/socket$ ./echoser_fork recv connect ip= port=46452 recv connect ip= port=46453 在另一个终端ps一下: simba@ubuntu:~$ ps aux | grep echoser simba 3300 0.0 0.0 2008 280 pts/0 S+ 22:10 0:00 ./echoser_fork simba ...
simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/UNP/socket$ ./conntest ... count = 1015 ip= port=51299 count = 1016 ip= port=51300 count = 1017 ip= port=51301 count = 1018 ip= port=51302 count = 1019 ip= port=51303 count = 1020 ip=127...
server.c // Linux Socket编程例子,这里是服务器端代码 include include include include include define MAX_LEN 1024 int main(int argc, char** argv){ //1.建立socket int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);if(sockfd perror(“socket failed”);return -1;} //2....
Before programming raw sockets, it is recommended that you learn about the basics of socket programming in c. Raw TCP packets A TCP packet is constructed like this Packet = IP Header + TCP Header + Data The plus means to attach the binary data side by side. So when making a raw tcp ...
// DNS Query Program on Linux //Header Files #include<stdio.h> //printf #include<string.h> //strlen #include<stdlib.h> //malloc #include<sys/socket.h> //you know what this is for #include<arpa/inet.h> //inet_addr , inet_ntoa , ntohs etc #include<netinet/in.h> #include<unist...