输入“rm -rf /etc/localtime”来删除目前的时区设置;然后,我们用“ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime”来设置上海时区,确保时间与你的地理位置一致。 之后,需要确认当前的时间和时区设置。再次使用“date”命令查看时间是否已经更新。如果发现时间依然不准确,我们还需要进行进一步调整。每个...
unix_time=`echo "$(date +%s) - $(cat /proc/uptime | cut -f 1 -d' ') + 18.204452 " | bc` echo ${unix_time} 注:/proc/uptime 第一列表示的是系统开机时间,根据这个值和当前时间可以获取到 dmesg 日志中事件发生的时间 3.把时间戳转换为对应的可读的时间 date -d "@${unix_time}" '+...
iconv -l 列出已知的编码 iconv -f fromEncoding -t toEncoding inputFile > outputFile creates a new from the given input file by assuming it is encoded in fromEncoding and converting it to toEncoding. find . -maxdepth 1 -name *.jpg -print -exec convert "{}" -resize 80x60 "thumbs/{}...
-h, --helpshow thishelptext andexit-r, --showreadhardware clock andprintresult --setsetthe RTC to the time given with --date-s, --hctosyssetthe system time from the hardware clock -w, --systohcsetthe hardware clock from the current system time --systzsetthe system time based on the...
date 041217002007.00 设置日期和时间 - 月日时分年.秒 clock -w 将时间修改保存到 BIOS 2、关机 shutdown -h now 关闭系统(1) init 0 关闭系统(2) telinit 0 关闭系统(3) shutdown -h hours:minutes & 按预定时间关闭系统 shutdown -c 取消按预定时间关闭系统 shutdown -r now 重启(1) reboot 重启...
date Show system date and time. dc Desk calculator utility. dd Used to convert and copy a file, create disk clone, write disk headers, etc. ddrescue Used to recover data from a crashed partition. deallocvt Deallocates kernel memory for unused virtual consoles. debugfs File system debugger for...
clock/hwclock:显示与设定硬件时钟(query and set the hardware clock (RTC)),两个命令相同。RTC=Real Time Clock,也就是硬件时钟。命令参数:-r, --show 读取并打印硬件时钟(read hardware clock and print result)-s, --hctosys 将硬件时钟同步到系统时钟(set the system time from ...
# The time zone of the system is defined by the contents of /etc/localtime. # This file is only for evaluation by system-config-date, do not rely on its # contents elsewhere. ZONE="Asia/Shanghai" UTC=FALSE ARC=FALSE 4.使用tzselect设置时区 ...
Show the current date First thing first,you can use this command to display the current date and time: date You’ll get the long date format (date, time, timezone) according to your locale. It looks like: Yep, it’s in French even if my system is in English ...
Setting the time zone, date and time requires root privileges; usesudo. Set the Time Zone You can use one of two methods to set the time zone on the switch: Edit the/etc/timezonefile. Use the guided wizard. Edit the /etc/timezone File ...