[转]linux shell 获取当前正在执行脚本的绝对路径 原文链接:http://sexywp.com/bash-how-to-get-the-basepath-of-current-running-script.htm 常见的一种误区,是使用pwd命令,该命令的作用是“print name of current/working directory”,这才是此命令的真实含义,当前的工作目录,这里没有任何意思说明,这个目录就...
scriptPath=`dirname$0`#获取脚本所在路径 echo"The script is located at: $scriptPath" cat"$scriptPath/readme"#使用绝对路径引用外部文件 将清单 1 中的脚本置于目录/opt/demo/scripts/auto-task 下,并在 cron 中添加该脚本。定时任务运行输出如下。 Current path is: /home/viscent The script is located...
If you can enter commands into the shell, you can write shell scripts (also known as Bourne shell scripts). A shell script is a series of commands ...
环境变量详解如下: PATH 命令所示路径,以冒号为分割; HOME 打印用户家目录; SHELL 显示当...
PATH 命令所示路径,以冒号为分割; HOME 打印用户家目录; SHELL 显示当前Shell类型; USER 打印当前用户名; ID 打印当前用户id信息; PWD 显示当前所在路径; TERM 打印当前终端类型; HOSTNAME 显示当前主机名; PS1 定义主机命令提示符的; HISTSIZE历史命令大小,可通过HISTTIMEFORMAT变量设置命令执行时间; ...
After creating a shell script and setting its permissions, you can run it by placing the script file in one of the directories in your command path and then running the script name on the command line. You can also run ./script if the script is located in your current working directory,...
Putting it all together, you get something like “ls tried to open /dsafsda but couldn’t because it doesn’t exist.” This may seem obvious, but these messages can get a little confusing when you run a shell script that includes an erroneous command under a different name. ...
#Shell常见的变量之二环境变量,主要是在程序运行时需要设置,环境变量详解如下: PATH 命令所示路径,以冒号为分割; HOME 打印用户家目录; SHELL 显示当前Shell类型; USER 打印当前用户名; ID 打印当前用户id信息; PWD 显示当前所在路径; TERM 打印当前终端类型; ...
###nginx install shell ###wugk 2012-07-14 ###PATH DEFINE SOFT_PATH=/data/soft/ NGINX_FILE=nginx-1.2.0.tar.gz DOWN_PATH=http://nginx.org/download/ if[ $UID -ne 0 ];then echo This script must use administrator or root user ,please exit!
登录后,打开一个shell窗口(通常称为终端)。 在类似Gnome或Ubuntu Unity的图形界面中,最简单的方法是打开一个终端应用程序,它会在一个新窗口中启动一个shell。 一旦你打开了一个shell,它应该在顶部显示一个提示符,通常以美元符号($)结尾。 在Ubuntu上,该提示符应该看起来像name@host:path$,而在Fedora上,它是[...