一、 delete_executable_file - 删除当前文件夹的可执行文件(linux) 1#!/usr/bin/bash234# file_name =delete_executable_file5# delete executable filesincurrent directory. but it dose not delete itself.678keep_file="delete_executable_file"9count=0101112forexe_filein$(ls)13do14if[ $exe_file !=...
idelete.sh #!/bin/bash ARGCOUNT=1 E_WRONGARGS=70 E_FILE_NOT_EXIST=71 E_CHANGED_MIND=72 if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ];then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename" exit $E_WRONGARGS fi if [ ! -e "$1" ];then echo "File \""$1"\" does not exist." exit $E_FILE_NOT_EXIST ...
OldFile=$(ls -rt $FileDir/*.html| head -1) echo "Delete File:" $OldFile rm -f $OldFile let "FileNum--" done
if test x"$1" = x"-f";then if test -f $2;then rm -i $2 else echo "$2 is not a regular file" exit 1 fielif test x"$1" = x"-d" ;then if test -d $2;then echo "are you sure delete directory(y\n) $2" read answer if test...
touch delete_files.sh ``` 然后,使用文本编辑器(如vi、nano等)打开该文件,并输入以下内容: ```shell #!/bin/bash # 删除指定目录下的所有文件 target_directory="/path/to/directory" rm -rf $target_directory/* # 删除指定文件类型的文件 file_type=".txt" ...
vi delete_files.sh “` 2. 在脚本中添加以下内容: “`shell #!/bin/bash # 这是一个注释,用于解释脚本的作用 # 执行删除命令 rm -rf /path/to/directory “` 在这个示例中,脚本的第一行 `#!/bin/bash` 是需要的注释,它告诉系统要使用Bash解释器来执行脚本。接下来的注释行是用于解释脚本的作用。
在Linux系统中,可以使用脚本来删除文件。删除文件的脚本可以使用shell脚本语言编写。下面是一个使用shell脚本删除文件的示例: “`shell #!/bin/bash # 删除文件脚本 # 设置要删除的文件路径 FILE_PATH=”/path/to/file” # 判断文件是否存在 if [ -f “$FILE_PATH” ]; then ...
新建回收站目录,并设置回收站权限为所有人可用。在Shell脚本中添加以下语句: mkdir-p $RECYCLEBINDIR2>/dev/nullif[$?-ne0];then echo"Permission denied.Can't delete file [$FILE]. Skip this file."continuefi chmod777$RECYCLEBINDIR 其中mkdir -p命令表示新建目录,如果该目录已存在,则直接使用已存在的目...
[ Boost your Bash skills. Download theBash shell scripting cheat sheet. ] Create a directory Before creating a new directory, use thepwdcommand to understand where you are in the filesystem: $pwd/home/localuser I'm in the localuser's home folder (and you're probably in whatever user's...