Start your computer with the Linux setup floppy disk, type fdisk at the command prompt, and then press ENTER. NOTE: For help using the Fdisk tool, type m at the command prompt, and then press ENTER. Type p at the command prompt, and then press ENTER to display partition information. Th...
8. Block devices Normal PC floppy disk support:普通PC软盘支持。这个应该必选。 9.Mulex DAC960/DAC1100 PCI RAID Controller support:RAID镜像用的。 Network block device support:网络块设备支持。如果想访问网上邻居的东西,就选上。 10. Telephony Support Linux下可以支持电话卡,这样你就可以在IP上使用普通...
1.2 使用 int 0x13 中断加载 setup.s 程序到 0x90200 # boot\bootsect.s /// // 2. 使用 int 0x13 中断加载 setup.s 程序到 0x90200 ///
插入一张软盘,然后将其格式化,然后加载到/mnt/floppy #mke2fs /dev/fd0 #mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy -o loop 在其中创建/boot/grub目录 #mkdir -p /mnt/floppy/boot/grub 将系统中/boot/grub下的, stage1, stage2 复制到/mnt/floppy/boot/grub中,然后在/mnt/floppy/boot/grub...
将系统中/boot/grub下的, stage1, stage2 复制到/mnt/floppy/boot/grub中,然后在/mnt/floppy/boot/grub目录下创建grub.conf文件: default=0 timeout=10 title Floppy Linux kernel (fd0)/bzImage root=/dev/ram0 initrd (fd0)/initrd.gz ...
CC arch/x86/kernel/setup_percpu.o CC arch/x86/kernel/mpparse.o CC arch/x86/kernel/machine_kexec_32.o CC arch/x86/kernel/crash.o CC arch/x86/kernel/crash_dump_32.o CC arch/x86/kernel/module.o CC arch/x86/kernel/doublefault_32.o CC arch/x86/kernel/vm86_32.o ...
setup.s is responsible for getting the system data from the BIOS,5!andputting themintothe appropriate placesinsystem memory.6! both setup.sandsystem has been loaded by the bootblock.7!8! This code asks the bios for memory/disk/other parameters,and9! puts themina"safe"place:0x90000-0x901...
setup的主要作用是利用ROM BIOS中断读取机器系统数据,并将这些数据保存到0x90000开始的位置(覆盖掉了bootsect程序所在的地方)。然后setup程序将system模块从0x10000-0x8ffff整块向下移动到内存绝对地址0x00000处。 接下来就是加载中断描述符表寄存器(IDTR)和全局描述符表寄存器(GDTR),开启A20地址线,重新设置两个中断控制...
Block devices --->各取所需了,一般来说,如果你要用软盘,就选上Normal floppy disk support,大多数嵌入式系统是不要的。中间几个也是没有的;Loopback device是一定要的,Network block device我也没把握,可能可以不要不过我选了,呵呵,RAM Disk一定要,Initrd RAM Disk support当然要选。至于Default Ramdisk size...
This command will prompt you to insert a floppy disk that contains updates (error correction). If you are running a network installation and storing the update image on the server's RHupdates/ directory, you do not need to use the