启用/禁用NTP同步 sudo timedatectl set-ntptrue# 启用 sudo timedatectl set-ntpfalse# 禁用 手动同步时间 sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org 时间查看在脚本中的应用 记录脚本执行时间 #!/bin/bash start_time=$(date+%s) # 执行一些操作 sleep5 end_time=$(date+%s) echo"脚本执...
[root@localhost ~]# date 2008年 12月 12日星期五 14:44:12 CST //修改时间 [root@localhost ~]# date -set "2013-12-24 00:01" <== (年/月/日 时:分【:秒】) 2009年 01月 01日星期四 00:01:00 CST //date 有几种时间格式可接受,这样也可以设置时间: [root@localhost ~]# date 012501...
[root@localhost ~]# date 2008年 12月 12日星期五 14:44:12 CST //修改时间 [root@localhost ~]# date -set "2013-12-24 00:01" <== (年/月/日 时:分【:秒】) 2009年 01月 01日星期四 00:01:00 CST //date 有几种时间格式可接受,这样也可以设置时间: [root@localhost ~]# date 012501...
# 设置系统时区 sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai # 使用UTC时间 date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" 参考链接 [Linux date Command Tutorial with Examples](https://www.garron.me/en/linux date command-tutorial-examples.html) Linux date Command Usage 通过以上信息,您应该能够更好地理解和应用...
Command'java'not found,but can be installedwith:apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless # version11.0.15+10-0ubuntu0.20.04.1,or apt installdefault-jre # version2:1.11-72apt install openjdk-16-jre-headless # version16.0.1+9-1~20.04apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless # version17.0.3+7-0ubun...
Here's how it looks after recompiling OpenSSH with -fno-omit-frame-pointer 3.3 编译内核时包含 CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER=y 总结一下,要愉快的跟踪更完备的信息,就要在编译软件时打开符号表的支持(gcc -g),开启annotate的支持(gcc -ggdb),以及Stack trace的支持(gcc -fno-omit-frame-pointer)。
To set the system clock under Linux, use the date command. As an example, to set the current time and date to July 31, 11:16pm, type ``date 07312316'' (note that the time is given in 24 hour notation). If you wanted to change the year as well, you could type ``date 073123161...
For a quick fix the below command will install the latest keyringspacman -Sy archlinux-keyringHow to dual boot with WindowsTo install Arch Linux alongside an existing Windows installation using archinstall, follow these steps:Ensure some unallocated space is available for the Linux installation ...
You can set the date and time on the software clock using thedatecommand. First, determine your current time zone: cumulus@switch:~$ date +%Z If you need to reconfigure the current time zone, refer to the instructions above. Then, to set the system clock according to the time zone conf...