nfs: server not responding nfs: server OK …… 嵌入式系统要经过很多次很长时间的尝试才能挂上。初步怀疑是NFS配置的问题,后来猜测可能是由于cs8900a丢包严重造成的。 在nfs faq找到: kernel: nfs: server not responding, still trying kernel: nfs: task 10754 ...
3)关闭Linux虚拟机、PC机的防火墙,使得PC可ping通Linux和开发板 再排除硬件接口问题,即可通讯。 2.nfs挂载问题 nfs挂载出现如:"Server is not responding"、" unable to mount root"等问题,其主要原因是nfs的挂在设置参数、下载地址有问题。如smart210下载地址为20007fc0(并非20008000),nfs默认是使用udp通信协议,...
复制代码代码如下:nfs mount: server1:: RPC: Rpcbind failure RPC: Timed Out nfs mount: retrying: /mntpoint[/code] 原因: 第一,可能因为客户机的hosts文件中存在错误的ip地址、主机名或节点名组合; 第二,服务器因为过载而暂时停止服务。 2、The server not responding error 现象:复制代码...
3)关闭Linux虚拟机、PC机的防火墙,使得PC可ping通Linux和开发板 再排除硬件接口问题,即可通讯。 2.nfs挂载问题 nfs挂载出现如:"Server is not responding"、" unable to mount root"等问题,其主要原因是nfs的挂在设置参数、下载地址有问题。如smart210下载地址为20007fc0(并非20008000),nfs默认是使用udp通信协议,...
starting pid 765, tty '': '/etc/init.d/rcS'nfs: server not responding, ...
记录一次在生成数据库服务器上出现The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.和Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation的解决办法 2019-12-05 14:48 −记一次查询超时的解决方案The timeout period elapsed... https://www.cnblogs...
NFS server server2 not responding, still trying 原因: 第一,网络不通,用ping命令检测一下。 第二,服务器关机。 3、The NFS client fails a reboot error 现象: 启动客户机后停住了,不断显示如下提示信息: 代码如下: Setting default interface for multicast: add net gateway: ...
Root-NFS: Unable to get mountd port number from server, using default mount: server not responding, timed out Root-NFS: Server returned error -5 while mounting /work/nfs/rootfs_bluetooth_omap VFS: Unable to mount root fs via NFS, trying floppy. VFS: Cannot open root...
nfs: server not responding, still trying nfs: server OK nfs: server OK BusyBox v1.22.1 (2016-02-03 14:11:04 CST) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. ~ # ...
A 9p protocol file server provides the service on the Linux side to allow Windows to access the Linux file system. If you cannot access WSL using \\wsl$ on Windows, it could be because 9P did not start correctly.To check this, you can check the start up logs using: dmesg |grep 9p,...