# 2: vmstat – 系统活动、硬件以及系统信息 这个命令用来报告关于内核线程、虚拟内存、磁盘、陷阱和CPU活动的统计信息。 # vmstat 3 输出样例: procs ---memory--- ---swap-- ---io--- --system-- ---cpu--- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 0 0 0 2540988...
1: 显示各个 CPU 的使用情况 c: 显示进程完整路径 H: 显示线程 P: 排序 - CPU 使用率 M: 排序 - 内存使用率 R: 倒序 Z: Change color mappings B: Disable/enable bold l: Toggle load avg t: Toggle task/cpu stats m: Toggle mem info 代码语言:txt 复制 us - Time spent in user space sy ...
To troubleshoot or build a software stack, you must know what type of architecture you work with, as well as the details about the hardware and its performance. When it comes to Linux, you can gather that information via the command-line interface. The Linux CLI provides detailed CPU inform...
CpuUsed GetCpuUsed(int ms) { CpuUsed used; used.sys_used = used.proc_used = 0; int pid = getpid(); CpuStat s1, s2; GetSystemCpuStat(&s1); unsigned long proc_time1 = GetProcessCpuTime(pid); usleep(ms * 1000); GetSystemCpuStat(&s2); unsigned long proc_time2 = GetProcessCpuT...
CPU接收的中断个数 调度器执行的上下文切换次数 ┌──(liruilong㉿Liruilong)-[/mnt/c/Users/lenovo] └─$ vmstat -help Usage: vmstat [options] [delay [count]] Options: -a, --active active/inactive memory -f, --forks number of forks since boot -m, --slabs slabinfo -n, --one-head...
See Every Process Running As User Vivek: # ps -U vivek -u vivek u 设置以用户定义的格式输出: # ps -eo pid,tid,class,rtprio,ni,pri,psr,pcpu,stat,wchan:14,comm # ps axo stat,euid,ruid,tty,tpgid,sess,pgrp,ppid,pid,pcpu,comm ...
显示当前系统正在执行的进程的相关信息,包括进程ID、内存占用率、CPU占用率等 3.命令参数: -b 批处理 -c 显示完整的治命令 -I 忽略失效过程 -s 保密模式 -S 累积模式 -i<时间> 设置间隔时间 -u<用户名> 指定用户名 -p<进程号> 指定进程 -n<次数> 循环显示的次数 ...
# This program is distributedinthe hope that it will be useful,# butWITHOUTANYWARRANTY;without even the implied warrantyof#MERCHANTABILITYorFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE.See the #GNUGeneral Public Licenseformore details.# # You should have received a copyoftheGNUGeneral Public License along ...
Get CPU info with lscpu command This is the simplest command that shows the CPU information in a simple and concise output. You can see the architecture of your system, number of processors, vendor information, cache information, processor speed etc. ...
[linux@01 ~]$ vmstat -help Usage: vmstat [options] [delay [count]] Options: -a, --active active/inactive memory -f, --forks number of forks since boot -m, --slabs slabinfo -n, --one-header do not redisplay header -s, --stats event counter statistics -d, --disk disk statistics...