在Linux系统下一直用上下键查找以前输入的命令,这个找刚输入不久的命令还是很方便的,但是比较久远的命令,用上下键效率就不高了。...那个history命令也是个花架子,虽然功能多,但不好用,网上找了下,发现了用ctrl + r这个快捷键查找历史命令,研究了一下发现真是好用。.
输入完 'mig' 多按几次 ctrl + r ,就可以继续向前搜索 “mig" 的内容了。 ( if you want to search the last but n result, just press n times 'ctrl + r'.) 如果找到了,按 -> 或者直接回车,就是执行 ( press Enter to execute the command , or 'right arrow (->)' to go to the end ...
# [Press Ctrl+R from the command prompt, which will display the reverse-i-search prompt] (reverse-i-search)`red‘: cat /etc/redhat-release [Note: Press enter when you see your command, which will execute the command from the history] # cat /etc/redhat-release Fedora release 9 (Sulphur...
2.10.2 使用(reverse-i-search)模式 2.10.3 使用命令历史记录中的参数 三、与history命令相关的环境变量 0 前言 使用DOS的朋友,都知道可以在命令行提示符中使用上下光标键来浏览最近执行过的命令,这是基于DOS提供的DosKey命令。 而在Unix和Linux的shell中,我们同样可以使用上下光标键来浏览最近执行过的命令历史纪录(...
11. Search for Recent Commands in History To search for recent commands in the history, you can use thegrepcommand along with containing keyword such as “ssh” from the command history. history | grep "ssh" You can also search for previously executed commands using the ‘Ctrl+r'command. ...
(reverse-i-search)`red‘: cat /etc/redhat-release [Note: Press enter when you see your command, which will execute the command from the history] # cat /etc/redhat-release Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) 快速重复执行上一条命令 有4 种方法可以重复执行上一条命令: ...
# [Press Ctrl+R from the command prompt, which will display the reverse-i-search prompt](reverse-i-search)`red‘: cat /etc/redhat-release[Note: Press enter when you see your command, which will execute the command from the history]# cat /etc/redhat-releaseFedora release 9 (Sulphur)...
history查看历史命令 sosreport收集系统配置及架构信息并输出诊断文档 一、ifconfig命令 ifconfig命令用来获取网卡配置与网络状态等信息。主要查看网卡名称,inet后的ip。ether参数后面的网卡物理地址(MAC地址)以及RX,TX接收数据包和发送数据包的个数及累计流量
搜索软件包 apt/yum search 关键词 apt search nginx / yum search nginx 7. 资源管理 7.1. 资源使用 命令名称 命令 常用参数 示例 CPU 信息 lscpu 无 lscpu 内存信息 free -m(以 MB 为单位显示) free -m 硬盘信息 df -h(以人类可读的方式显示磁盘空间)/ -i(显示磁盘 inode 信息) df -h / df -i...
31enable history 32enable jobs 33enable kill 34enable let 35enable local 36enable logout 37enable mapfile 38enable popd 39enable printf 40enable pushd 41enable pwd 42enable read 43enable readarray 44enable readonly 45enable return 46enable set ...