打开Cloud Shell Invoke-AzVMRunCommand-ResourceGroupName'<myResourceGroup>'-Name'<myVMName>'-CommandId'RunShellScript'-ScriptPath'<pathToScript>'-Parameter@{"arg1"="var1";"arg2"="var2"} 限制对“运行命令”的访问 列出运行命令或显示命令详细信息需要具有订阅级别的Microsoft.Compute/locations/runComm...
for i in range(20): print(f"This is a cool script {i}") 下面是我们如何将脚本转换为可执行文件并运行它: chmod +x script ./script 14.exit命令 exit命令完全按照其名称执行:使用它,您可以结束shell会话,并且在大多数情况下,可以自动关闭正在使用的终端: exit 15.sudo命令 此命令代表“超级用户do”,...
exit也可用在script,离开正在执行的script,回到shell。 语法: exit [状态值] 实例 退出终端 # exit 2.sleep命令 Linux sleep命令可以用来将目前动作延迟一段时间。 使用权限:所有使用者。 语法: sleep [--help] [--version] number[smhd] 参数说明:
Use ; to separate multiple commands. Azure PowerShell Copy Open Cloud Shell Set-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName MyRG0 -VMName MyVML -RunCommandName MyRunCommand2 -Location EastUS2EUAP -SourceScript "id; echo HelloWorld" Create or update Run Command on a VM using SourceCommandId Create ...
-F参数在目录名后加了正斜线(/),以方便用户在输出中分辨它们。类似地,它会在可执行 文件(比如上面的my_script文件)的后面加个星号,以便用户找出可在系统上运行的文件。 把隐藏文件和普通文件及目录一起显示出来,就得用到-a参数。 -R参数是ls命令可用的另一个参数,叫作递归选项 ...
#visudo # 后面不用加文件路径自己去找 /etc/sudoers 使用visudo编辑出错会告诉你写入## Allow root to run any commands anywhereroot ALL=(ALL) ALL attila ALL=(ALL) ALL#允许attila在任何地方,执行任何命令 授权之后就可以做一些只有root才能做的事情了,如: ...
I am attempting to run a shell script by using docker-compose inside the docker container. I am using the Dockerfile to build the container environment and installing all dependancies. I then copy all the project files to the container. This works well as far as I can determine. (I...
# script with local commands to be executedfrominit on system startup # # Here you should add things, that should happen directly after booting # before we're going to the first run level.# source/root/Desktop/start.sh “sourece /root/Desktop/start.sh”为要添加开机自启动的脚本,并且要给...
Connect to host1 and host2, and print "hello, world" from each: pssh -i -H "host1 host2" echo "hello, world" Run commands via a script on multiple servers: pssh -h hosts.txt -P -I<./commands.sh Usage & run a command without checking or saving host keys:...
# script with local commands to be executed from init on system startup # # Here you should add things, that should happen directly after booting # before we're going to the first run level. # source /root/Desktop/start.sh 1.