jobs 列出当前shell环境中已启动的任务状态,若未指定jobsid,则显示所有活动的任务状态信息;如果报告了一个任务的终止(即任务的状态被标记为Terminated),shell 从当前的shell环境已知的列表中删除任务的进程标识; bg 将进程搬到后台运行(Background); fg 将进程搬到前台运行(Foreground); 将job转移到后台运行 如果你经...
The ampersand symbol instructs the shell to execute the command as a separate background process. To run a background process, use the following: [command] & For example, theVim text editorstarts as the foreground process, and the shell becomes unusable until the user closes the editor. Howe...
If you already ran a program and then realized that you should have run it in the background, don’t worry. You can send a running process to the background as well. What you have to do here is touse Ctrl+Ztosuspend the running processand then use ‘bg‘ (short for background) to...
Running a process in background What if you a script which takes more than 24 hours to run so in those cases it is not a good idea to run them on putty as in any case of connection failure your putty would stop working making you run the script again. In those cases you can run ...
Running shell command or script in background using nohup command Another way you can run a command in the background is using the nohup command. The nohup command, short for no hang up, is a command that keeps a process running even after exiting the shell. ...
console-setup.service loaded active exited Set console font and keymapcron.service loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon cups-browsed.service loaded active running Make remote CUPS printers available locally cups.service loaded active running CUPS Scheduler ...
Suppose you have a long-running task (for example, compiling a large program) that you need to run, but you also want to get some other work done. Linux lets you start a task in the background and keep on doing other things from the command prompt. We wi
由于假设我们只有一个终端接口,因此在可以出现提示字符让你操作的环境就称为前景 (foreground),至于其他工作就可以让你放入背景 (background) 去暂停或运作。要注意的是,放入背景的工作想要运作时, 他必须不能够与使用者互动。 举例来说, vim 绝对不可能在背景里面执行 (running) 的!因为你没有输入数据他就不会跑...
In this article we will talk about background process is Linux. We will show you how to start a command in the background and how to keep the process running after the shell session is closed.
systemd-backlight@.service static systemd-binfmt.service static systemd-exit.service static systemd-fsck-root.service enabled-runtime systemd-fsck@.service static systemd-fsckd.service static systemd-halt.service static systemd-hibernate-resume@.service static ...