In Linux, renaming a file or directory is mostly done using mv. However, when it comes to renaming multiple files or folders, using mv becomes complex. It requires constructing complex loops and piping to get the job done. The rename command is specifically designed for such situations. ...
In this article, we show how to rename a directory in linux. So in linux, on the shell, you can do many versatile things, including copying, deleting, moving, and renaming files or directories. In linux, we can rename a directory with the mv command. ...
Rename multiple Files/Directories To rename multiple files in one go, we cannot use themvcommand directly. We will have to write a small bash script to do this. Let's take an example, consider a directory with many files stored in it with different extensions. We want to change the exten...
If the destination directory does not exist, themvcommand renames the source directory to the provided destination name. Note:Somemvversions have the-doption to specify directories. The command still works without it, but it also matches files that have the same name. ...
How to Rename a Directory in Linux in Four Easy Ways Once you have the prerequisites, you can try out the following methods of renaming directories and subdirectories in Linux. Method #1: Rename Directories With the mv Command Themvcommand is primarily used to relocate files. However, it also...
5. Renaming multiple directories using the rename command 6. Conclusion Linux Rename Directory Command is similar to renaming files in a Linux system. It is one of the simple and commonly performed operations on the Linux system. You can rename directory in linux from the command-line commands...
mvold_filenamenew_filenamemvfile1.txt/path/to/new_directory/ 特点总结:mv命令是一种通用的移动和重命名工具,但它不提供高级选项。 2. rename命令: 易用评级: ★★★☆☆ 适用场景:适用于批量重命名文件,支持正则表达式。 示例说明:把new_pattern目录下所有文件名的扩展名改为txt,可以采用以下命令 ...
rename ‘s/string/replacement/g’ file*.txt 将文件名中的所有”string”替换为”replacement”,可以使用正则表达式匹配更复杂的模式。 5. 批量重命名文件夹: rename ‘s/old_dir/new_dir/’ directory/ 将一个文件夹重命名为另一个文件夹。 以上只是rename命令的一些基本用法,该命令还有更多的选项和功能。可以...
7. mv - move (rename) files 移动文件或者重命名文件(在同一目录下移动即重命名) 1.mv 文件 文件|目录 2.mv 多个文件 目录(移动到目标目录下) 3.mv 目录 目录(移动到目标目录下) SYNOPSIS mv[OPTION]...[-T]SOURCE DEST mv[OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY ...